圣安德鲁斯大学(University of StAndrews)



圣安德鲁斯大学在学术研究方面始终保持着优异及领先的地位。主要强项包括:经济学,化学,地理学,数学和统计学,物理学,历史学,细胞和分子生物学,有机生物学,欧洲语言,心理学。学校规模为中等,在圣安德鲁斯大学的学生中,30%的学生来自海外,教学科研质量都很高,学生都为能穿上红色学生袍而感到自豪。同时这里也是威廉王子所选择的大学。小镇上人数不多,大学与城市联为一体,与城市一样的美丽。作为四所苏格兰古大学之一,学校非常特别地向人文和社会科学的本科毕业生颁发名为文科硕士(Master of Arts)的学位。它也是苏格兰古大学中唯一一所不开设法律学科的大学。

1.   授课型硕士学制一般为1年(个别2年),秋季入学,9月份开学
2.   授课型硕士学费详见院系信息。


1.   研究型硕士学制一般为2年,博士项目学制一般3-4年,秋季入学,建议9月份开始研究,开学日期为每月的27号(12月和7月份除外),
2.   研究型硕士与博士项目学费详见院系信息


授课型硕士奖学金 (除以下奖学金外,每个学院会有专门奖学金):
1)Chevening Scholarships 为授课型硕士提供1个学年的奖学金,包括全额学费、到达津贴、论文津贴、旅行成本,申请截止至11月15日
2)Formula Santander Postgraduate Scholarship 2个奖学金名额,分别为4200英镑和4164英镑(超出学费部分作为生活费津贴),申请截止至5月中旬
3)Music Scholarships 为音乐授课型或研究型硕士提供,包括1个乐器奖学金,1个合成奖学金,减免部分学费
4)Postgraduate Entrant Accommodation Bursary 30个1000英镑的生活费名额,申请截止至5月29日
5)Scotland's Saltire Scholarships 200个2000英镑的奖学金名额,申请截止期限为10月份-次年5月30日
6)Thomas & Margaret Roddan Trust 提供500-3000英镑的生活费津贴,申请截止至5月30日
7)The Wimdu Scholarship programme 2个1000英镑的奖学金名额,为商务和市场营销相关领域提供,在每年的9月和2月份,申请截止至1月24日

研究型硕士奖学金 (除以下奖学金外,每个学院会有专门奖学金):
1)Postgraduate Entrant Accommodation Bursary 提供至少30个1000英镑的住宿费补助名额,共1个学年,申请截止至5月29日
2)Recent graduate discount 减免学费的10%
3)Scotland's Saltire Scholarships 200个2000英镑的学费减免名额,共1个学年,申请截止期限为10月份-次年5月30日
4)Thomas & Margaret Roddan Trust 为硕士或博士项目提供500-3000英镑的生活费补助,共1个学年,招满为止,申请截止期限为3月份-次年5月30日

School of Art History艺术历史系
1)Wilhelmina Barns-Graham Trust Doctoral Award 为20世纪欧洲艺术方面的博士研究提供,英国现代主义优先考虑,提供3个学年的奖学金包括减免学费3200英镑/年,生活费补助第1年为6000英镑,随后几年至少3000英镑/年,并有机会成为本科导师或助理
2)School of History MLitt Awards 为 M Litt. programmes 硕士项目提供7个奖学金名额,包括欧洲水平的学费

授课型硕士项目: 学费14700英镑/年
•Art History MPhil/MLitt 艺术历史
•Museum and Gallery Studies MPhil/MLitt/PGDip/Certificate 博物馆与美术馆研究
•History of Photography MPhil/MLitt 摄影史

MPhil and PhD Degrees具体研究领域如下:
Art History艺术历史
History of Photography 摄影史
Museum and Gallery Studies 博物馆与美术馆研究

School of Biology生物系
授课型硕士项目: 学费17590英镑/年
•Ecosystem-Based Management of Marine Systems MSc 海洋系统基于生态系统的管理
•Marine Mammal Science MSc/MRes 海洋哺乳动物科学 (研究型硕士申请截止至4月4日)
•Sustainable Aquaculture MSc/PGDip 可持续性水产业
•Sustainable Aquacultre (Invertebrates) or (Vertebrates) PG Certificate 可持续性水产业(无脊椎动物或脊椎动物)

MPhil and PhD Degrees    具体研究领域如下:
•Biomolecular Sciences生物分子科学
•Cell and Systems Biology 细胞与系统生物学
•Evolutionary Biology and Animal Behaviour 进化生物学与动物行为
•Marine Biology 海洋生物学

School of Chemistry 化学系
授课型硕士项目: 学费17590英镑/年
•Chemistry MPhil 化学
•Chemical Science MSc 化学科学

MPhil and PhD Degrees     具体研究领域如下:
Chemistry/Biology Interface化学/生物界面
Experimental and Theoretical Chemical Physics实验与理论化学生物学
Molecular Synthetic Chemistry 分子合成生物学

School of Classics 古典学系
授课型硕士项目: 学费14700英镑/年
•Ancient History MPhil/MLitt/PGDip 古历史
•Classical Studies MPhil/MLitt/PGDip 古典研究
•Greek MPhil/MLitt/PGDip 希腊语
•Greek and Latin MPhil/MLitt/PGDip 希腊语与拉丁语
•Latin MPhil/MLitt/PGDip 拉丁语

MPhil and PhD Degrees       具体研究领域如下:
Graeco-Roman history, literature, languages, philosophy and culture古希腊-罗马历史、文学、语言、哲学与文化

School of Computer Science计算机科学系
授课型硕士项目: 学费17590英镑/年,如有例外会在下面各项目介绍中标出
•Advanced Computer Science MSc 高级计算机科学
•Artificial Intelligence MSc 人工智能
•Computing and Information Technology MSc 计算与信息技术
•Dependable Software Systems MSc Master Mundus (EU)可靠软件系统
•Human Computer Interaction MSc 人机互动
•Information Technology MSc 信息技术
•Management and Information Technology MSc 管理与信息技术 学费18380英镑/年
•Networks and Distributed Systems MSc 网络与分布式系统
•Software Engineering MSc 软件工程

MPhil and PhD Degrees      具体研究领域如下:
•Artificial intelligence and symbolic computation人工智能与符号计算
•Human Computer Interaction人机互动
•Networked and distributed systems网络与分布式系统
•Systems engineering 系统工程

School of Divinity神学系
授课型硕士项目: 学费14700英镑/年
•Bible and the Contemporary World MLitt (full-time, campus-based)圣经与当代世界 学费16280英镑/年
•Biblical Languages and Literature MLitt 圣经语言与文学 学费16280英镑/年
•Divinity MPhil 神学
•Scripture and Theology MLitt 圣经与神学 学费16280英镑/年
•Systematic and Historical Theology系统与历史神学   MLitt 学费16280英镑/年
•Theology, Imagination and the Arts MLitt神学、想象与艺术 学费16280英镑/年

MPhil and PhD Degrees     具体研究领域如下:
Biblical Studies圣经研究
Religion and Politics宗教与政治学
Imagination and the Arts想象与艺术
Systematic Theology: Scripture and Theology系统神学:圣经与神学

School of Economics & Finance经济学与金融系
授课型硕士项目: 学费14700英镑/年
•Economics MSc 经济学 学费14385英镑/年
•Finance MSc金融 学费18380英镑/年
•Money, Banking and Finance MSc 货币、银行与金融 学费18380英镑/年

MPhil and PhD Degrees     具体研究领域如下:
dynamic macroeconomics 动态宏观经济学
choice theory 选择理论
bounded rationality有限理性
game theory博弈论
expectations and learning期望与学习
competition and innovation and climate change 竞争创新与气候变化

School of English 英语系
授课型硕士项目: 学费14700英镑/年
•Creative Writing MLitt 创意写作
•Creative Writing MFA 创意写作
•Mediaeval English MPhil/MLitt 中世纪英语
•Modern and Contemporary Literature and Culture MPhil/MLitt 现代与当代文学与文化
•Romantic / Victorian Studies MPhil/MLitt 浪漫主义与维多利亚研究
•Shakespeare and Renaissance Literary Culture MPhil/MLitt 莎士比亚与人文主义文学文化
•Women, Writing and Gender MPhil/MLitt 女人、写作与性别

MPhil and PhD Degrees     具体研究领域如下:
•Mediaeval and Renaissance 中世纪与人文主义
•18th Century, Romantic and Victorian 18世纪、浪漫主义与维多利亚时期
•Modern and Contemporary 现代与当代
•Creative Writing 创意写作

School of Geography & Geosciences 地理与地质学系
授课型硕士项目: 学费17590英镑/年
•Sustainable Development MRes/MSc 可持续性发展
•Sustainable Energy MSc (two years)可持续性能源 2年制

MPhil and PhD Degrees     
Environmental Change环境变化
Environment and Society环境与社会
Population, Health and Welfare 人口、健康与福利
Global Change 全球变化
Solid earth 固态地球
Geobiology and Earth system evolution地质生物学与地球系统演化
Earth surface processes 地球表面过程
Economic geology and energy 经济地质学与能源

School of History 历史系
授课型硕士项目: 学费14700英镑/年
•Central and Eastern European Studies MPhil/MLitt/PGDip 中欧与东欧研究
•Early Modern History MPhil/MLitt/PGDip 早期现代历史
•Environmental History MPhil/MLitt/PGDip 环境历史
•Intellectual History MPhil/MLitt/PGDip 思想文化史
•Iranian Studies MPhil/MLitt/PGDip伊朗研究
•Mediaeval History MLitt 中世纪历史
•Mediaeval Studies MPhil/MLitt/PGDip 中世纪研究
•Middle Eastern History MPhil/MLitt/PGDip 中东历史
•Modern History MPhil/MLitt/PGDip 现代历史
•Reformation Studies MLitt改革研究
•Scottish Historical Studies MPhil/MLitt/PGDip 苏格兰历史研究
•The Book: History and Techniques of Analysis MPhil/MLitt/PGDip 历史与分析技术

MPhil and PhD Degrees      具体研究领域如下:
Middle Ages and the Reformation中世纪与宗教改革
Mediaeval and early modern English and Scottish Parliaments中世纪与早期现代英国苏格兰国会
Scottish and Mediterranean history苏格兰与地中海历史
Environmental history环境历史
history of modern identity, including gender, ethnicity and nationalism现代身份(包括性别、民族与民族主义)历史

School of International Relations国际关系系
授课型硕士项目: 学费14700英镑/年(授课型硕士),如有例外会在下面各项目介绍中标出
•International Political Theory MPhil/MLitt国际政治理论 学费16280英镑/年
•International Security Studies MPhil/MLitt国际安全研究 学费16280英镑/年
•Middle East, Caucasus and Central Asian Security Studies MPhil/MLitt中东、高加索与中亚安全研究 学费16280英镑/年
•Peace and Conflict Studies MPhil/MLitt 和平与冲突研究 学费16280英镑/年
•Terrorism Studies MLitt/PGDip恐怖主义研究 学费16280英镑/年

MPhil and PhD Degrees       具体研究领域如下:
conflict, peace and security冲突、和平与安全
evolving character of global and supra-national institutions超国家机构进化性
civil societies and international relations市民社会与国际关系

School of Management 管理系
授课型硕士项目: 学费14700英镑/年,如有例外会在下面各项目介绍中标出
•Banking and Finance MSc 银行与金融
•Corporate Social Responsibility and Management MSc 企业社会责任与管理 学费18380英镑/年
•Finance and Management MSc 金融与管理 学费18380英镑/年
•Human Resource Management MLitt 人力资源管理
•International Business MLitt 国际商务 学费18380英镑/年
•Management MLitt 管理   学费18380英镑/年
•Management and Information Technology MSc 管理与信息技术   学费18380英镑/年
•Marketing MLitt 管理   学费18380英镑/年

研究型硕士及博士项目: 学费14420英镑/年
MPhil and PhD Degrees         具体研究领域如下:
•Creative and Cultural Industries创意与文化产业
•Ethics, Sustainability and Accountability伦理、可持续性发展与问责制
•Financial Institutions and Markets 金融机构与市场
•Knowledge and Practice 知识与实践
•Organisations and Society 组织与社会

School of Mathematics & Statistics数学与统计学系
授课型硕士项目: 学费14700英镑/年
•Applied Statistics and Datamining MSc 应用统计学与数据挖掘
•Mathematics MSc数学
•Statistics MSc统计学

MPhil and PhD Degrees       具体研究领域如下:
•Applied Mathematics应用数学
•Pure Mathematics 纯数学
•History of Mathematics数学史

School of Medicine医学系
1)Henry Dryerre Scholarship in Medical or Veterinary Physiology 1个提供3个学年的奖学金名额,为生理学相关领域提供,包括欧洲水平学费,15200英镑/年的生活补助,600英镑/年的相关费用,申请截止至3月15日
2)PhD Studentships available in molecular medicine 包括全额学费与生活补助

授课型硕士项目: 学费17590英镑/年
•Health Psychology MSc 健康心理学
•Medicine MRes 医学研究型硕士

MPhil and PhD Degrees       具体研究领域如下:
Medical Photonics医疗光电
Molecular Biology 分子生物学
People and Populations 人与人口

School of Modern Languages现代语言系
1)7th Century University of St Andrews Scholarships 3个奖学金名额,为语言博士研究提供3个学年,申请截止至6月1日
2)PhD Scholarship in Nineteenth-Century Mexican Culture/History 为19世纪墨西哥政治学或文化方面博士项目提供,申请截止至6月1日
3)Woodward Prize for a first-year PhD in Spanish 为西班牙语博士项目提供8500英镑的奖学金,申请截止至6月1日

授课型硕士项目: 学费14700英镑/年
•Central and East European Studies MPhil/MLitt 中欧与东欧研究
•Comparative Literature MPhil/MLitt 比较文学
•Crossways in Cultural Narratives MLitt Master Mundus (EU)文化叙事交叉
•Cultural Identity Studies MPhil/MLitt 文化身份研究
•French Studies MPhil/MLitt 法语研究
•German Studies MPhil/MLitt 德语研究
•German and Comparative Literature MLitt/MA (two years)德语与比较文学 2年制
•Italian Studies MPhil/MLitt 意大利语研究
•Mediaeval Studies MPhil/MLitt 中世纪研究
•Middle Eastern Literary and Cultural Studies MLitt 中东历史与文化研究
•Russian Studies MPhil/MLitt 俄语研究
•Spanish and Latin American Studies MPhil/MLitt 西班牙语拉丁美洲研究

MPhil and PhD Degrees         具体研究领域如下:
French, German, Italian, Russian and Hispanic Studies 法语、德语、意大利语、德语与西班牙语研究
Arabic, Persian and Comparative Literature 阿拉伯、波斯与比较文学

School of Philosophical, Anthropological & Film Studies 哲学、人类学与电影研究系
授课型硕士项目: 学费14700英镑/年
•Philosophy MPhil/MLitt 哲学
•Conversion to Philosophy PGDip 转化为哲学
•Anthropology, Art and Perception MRes人类学、艺术与理解
•Social Anthropology MPhil/MRes社会人类学
•Social Anthropology and Amerindian Studies MPhil/MRes社会人类学与美洲印第安人研究
•Social Anthropology with Pacific Studies MPhil/MRes 社会人类学与太平洋研究
•Film Studies MPhil/MLitt 电影研究

MPhil and PhD Degrees in Anthropology 人类学硕博士    具体研究领域如下:
•CAS—The Centre for Amerindian, Latin American and Caribbean Studies美洲印第安人、拉美与加勒比地区研究中心
•CCS—The Centre for Cosmopolitan Studies世界性研究中心
•CPS—The Centre for Pacific Studies太平洋研究中心
•LACNET—St Andrews Latin American and Caribbean Network (interdisciplinary network)圣安德鲁斯拉丁美洲与加勒比网络(跨学科网络)
MPhil and PhD Degrees in Philosophy 哲学硕博士    具体研究领域如下:
Centre for Ethics, Philosophy and Public Affairs道德、哲学与公共事务中心
Arché: Philosophical Research Centre for Logic, Language, Metaphysics and Epistemology逻辑、语言、形而上学与认识论哲学研究中心

School of Physics & Astronomy物理学与天文学系
授课型硕士项目: 学费17590英镑/年
•Photonics and Optoelectronic Devices MSc 光子学与光电子器件
•Photonics MSc Erasmus Mundus (EU) 光子学

MPhil and PhD Degrees          具体研究领域如下:
•Condensed Matter凝聚态
•Photonics 光子学

School of Psychology & Neuroscience 心理学与神经科学系
授课型硕士项目: 学费17590英镑/年
•Adults with Learning Disabilities who have Significant and Complex Needs MSc/PGDip/PGCert有重要复杂需求的成人学习不良
•Adults Support, Protection and Safeguarding PGCert 成人支持、保护与维护
•Conversion to Psychology MSc 心理学转化   
•Evolutionary and Comparative Psychology: The Origins of the Mind MSc 进化与比较心理学:思想起源
•Health Psychology MSc 健康心理学
•Psychology MPhil/MRes 心理学

研究型硕士及博士项目: 学费17250英镑/年
MRes, PhD     具体研究领域如下:
•Human cognition facilities 人类认知功能
•Cellular and Developmental Neuroscience 细胞与发展神经科学
•Origins of Mind 思想起源
•Perception, Cognition and Action 理解、认知与动作
•Social Psychology 社会心理学


Department of Art History艺术历史系
Single honours单科荣誉学士
MA (Hons) Art History艺术历史
MA (Hons) Mediaeval Studies中世纪研究
Joint honours联合荣誉学士
MA (Hons) Ancient History and Art History古历史与艺术历史
MA (Hons) Arabic and Art History阿拉伯语艺术历史
MA (Hons) Art History and Biblical Studies艺术历史与圣经研究
MA (Hons) Art History and Classical Studies艺术历史与古典研究
MA (Hons) Art History and Comparative Literature艺术历史与对比文学
MA (Hons) Art History and English艺术历史与英语
MA (Hons) Art History and Film Studies艺术历史与电影研究
MA (Hons) Art History and French艺术历史与法语
MA (Hons) Art History and French (With a year abroad)艺术历史与法语 5年制
MA (Hons) Art History and Geography艺术历史与地理
MA (Hons) Art History and German艺术历史与德语
MA (Hons) Art History and German (With a year abroad)艺术历史与德语 5年制
MA (Hons) Art History and Greek艺术历史与希腊语
MA (Hons) Art History and Hebrew艺术历史与希伯来语
MA (Hons) Art History and International Relations艺术历史与国际关系
MA (Hons) Art History and Italian艺术历史与意大利语
MA (Hons) Art History and Italian (With a year abroad)艺术历史与意大利语 5年制
MA (Hons) Art History and Management艺术历史与管理
MA (Hons) Art History and Mediaeval History艺术历史与中世纪历史
MA (Hons) Art History and Middle East Studies艺术历史与中东研究
MA (Hons) Art History and Modern History艺术历史与现代史
MA (Hons) Art History and Philosophy艺术历史与哲学
MA (Hons) Art History and Psychology艺术历史与心理学
MA (Hons) Art History and Russian艺术历史与俄语
MA (Hons) Art History and Social Anthropology艺术历史与社会人类学
MA (Hons) Art History and Spanish 艺术历史与西班牙语
MA (Hons) Art History and Spanish (With a year abroad)艺术历史与西班牙语   5年制

Department of Biology 生物系
Single honours单科荣誉学士
BSc (Hons)Behavioural Biology 行为生物学
BSc (Hons)Biochemistry 生物化学
MBiochem (Hons)Biochemistry生物化学   5年制   本硕连读
BSc (Hons)Biology生物学
BSc (Hons)Cell Biology细胞生物学
BSc (Hons)Ecology & Conservation生态与保护
BSc (Hons)Evolutionary Biology进化生物学
BSc (Hons)Marine Biology海洋生物学
BSc (Hons)Molecular Biology分子生物学
BSc (Hons)Neuroscience 神经科学
BSc (Hons)Sustainable Development 可持续性发展
MA (Hons)Sustainable Development 可持续性发展 5年制 本硕连读
BSc (Hons)Zoology动物学
Joint honours联合荣誉学士
BSc (Hons)Biology and Economics生物与经济学
BSc (Hons)Biology and Geography生物与地理
BSc (Hons)Biology and Geology生物与地质学
BSc (Hons)Biology and Logic & Philosophy of Science生物与科学逻辑哲学
BSc (Hons)Biology and Mathematics生物与数学
BSc (Hons)Biology and Psychology生物与心理学
BSc (Hons)Biology and Psychology生物与心理学
BSc (Hons)Biology and Statistics 生物与统计学
Major/minor degrees主修副修学位
BSc (Hons)Biology with Arabic生物与阿拉伯语
BSc (Hons)Biology with French生物与法语
BSc (Hons)Biology with French (With a year abroad)生物与法语 5年制
BSc (Hons)Psychology with Biology生物心理学

Department of Chemistry化学系
Single honours单科荣誉学位
BSc (Hons)Biomolecular Science生物分子科学
BSc (Hons)Chemical Sciences化学科学
BSc (Hons)Chemistry化学
MChem (Hons)Chemistry化学 5年制 本硕连读
BSc (Hons)Chemistry with Medicinal Chemistry医疗化学
MChem (Hons)Chemistry with Medicinal Chemistry医疗化学   5年制 本硕连读
MChem (Hons)Chemistry with Medicinal Chemistry医疗化学   5年制 本硕连读
BSc (Hons)Materials Chemistry材料化学
MChem (Hons)Materials Chemistry材料化学 5年制 本硕连读
BSc (Hons)Sustainable Development可持续性发展
MA (Hons)Sustainable Development可持续性发展 5年制 本硕连读
Joint honours联合荣誉学位
BSc (Hons)Chemistry and Geology化学与地质学
BSc (Hons)Chemistry and Mathematics化学与数学
MSci (Hons)Chemistry and Physics化学与物理 5年制 本硕连读
Major/minor degrees主修副修学位
BSc (Hons)Chemistry with French化学与法语
MChem (Hons)Chemistry with French化学与法语 5年制 本硕连读
BSc (Hons)Chemistry with French (With a year abroad)化学与法语 5年制
MChem (Hons)Chemistry with Mathematics 化学与数学 5年制 本硕连读

Department of Classics古典学系
Single honours单科荣誉学位
MA (Hons)Ancient History古历史
MA (Hons)Classical Studies古典研究
MA (Hons)Classics古典学
MA (Hons)Greek希腊语
MA (Hons)Latin拉丁语
MA (Hons)Mediaeval History & Archaeology中世纪历史与考古学
Joint honours联合荣誉学位
MA (Hons)Ancient History and Art History古历史与艺术历史
MA (Hons)Ancient History and Biblical Studies古历史与圣经研究
MA (Hons)Ancient History and Comparative Literature古历史与比较文学
MA (Hons)Ancient History and Economics古历史与经济学
MA (Hons)Ancient History and Film Studies古历史与电影研究
MA (Hons)Ancient History and French古历史与法语
MA (Hons)Ancient History and French (With a year abroad)古历史与法语 5年制
MA (Hons)Ancient History and German古历史与德语
MA (Hons)Ancient History and German (With a year abroad) 古历史与德语 5年制
MA (Hons)Ancient History and Greek古历史与希腊语
MA (Hons)Ancient History and Italian古历史与意大利语
MA (Hons)Ancient History and Italian (With a year abroad)古历史与意大利语 5年制
MA (Hons)Ancient History and Latin古历史与拉丁语
MA (Hons)Ancient History and Mathematics古历史与数学
MA (Hons)Ancient History and Philosophy古历史与哲学
MA (Hons)Ancient History and Social Anthropology古历史与社会人类学
MA (Hons)Ancient History and Spanish古历史与西班牙语
MA (Hons)Ancient History and Spanish (With a year abroad)古历史与西班牙语 5年制
MA (Hons)Arabic and Latin阿拉伯语与拉丁语
MA (Hons)Art History and Classical Studies古历史与古典研究
MA (Hons)Art History and Greek古历史与希腊语
MA (Hons)Biblical Studies and Classical Studies圣经研究与古典研究
MA (Hons)Biblical Studies and Greek圣经研究与希腊语
MA (Hons)Classical Studies and Comparative Literature古典研究与比较文学
MA (Hons)Classical Studies and English古典研究与英语
MA (Hons)Classical Studies and Film Studies古典研究与电影研究
MA (Hons)Classical Studies and French古典研究与法语
MA (Hons)Classical Studies and French (With a year abroad)古典研究与法语 5年制
MA (Hons)Classical Studies and Geography古典研究与地理学
MA (Hons)Classical Studies and Greek古典研究与希腊语
MA (Hons)Classical Studies and International Relations古典研究与国际关系
MA (Hons)Classical Studies and Italian古典研究与意大利语
MA (Hons)Classical Studies and Italian (With a year abroad)古典研究与意大利语 5年制
MA (Hons)Classical Studies and Latin古典研究与拉丁语
MA (Hons)Classical Studies and Mathematics古典研究与数学
MA (Hons)Classical Studies and Mediaeval History古典研究与中世纪历史
MA (Hons)Classical Studies and Middle East Studies古典研究与中东研究
MA (Hons)Classical Studies and Modern History古典研究与现代历史
MA (Hons)Classical Studies and New Testament古典研究与圣经新约
MA (Hons)Classical Studies and Philosophy古典研究与哲学
MA (Hons)Classical Studies and Scottish History古典研究与苏格兰历史
MA (Hons)Classical Studies and Social Anthropology古典研究与社会人类学
MA (Hons)Classical Studies and Theological Studies古典研究与神学研究
MA (Hons)Classics and Comparative Literature古典学与比较文学
MA (Hons)Classics and English古典学与英语
MA (Hons)Classics and French古典学与法语
MA (Hons)Classics and French (With a year abroad)古典学与法语 5年制
MA (Hons)Classics and Italian古典学与意大利语
MA (Hons)Classics and Italian (With a year abroad)古典学与意大利语 5年制
MA (Hons)Classics and Management古典学与管理
MA (Hons)Classics and Philosophy古典学与哲学
MA (Hons)Classics and Social Anthropology古典学与社会人类学
MA (Hons)Classics and Spanish古典学与西班牙语
MA (Hons)Classics and Spanish (With a year abroad)古典学与西班牙语 5年制
MA (Hons)Comparative Literature and Greek比较文学与希腊语
MA (Hons)Comparative Literature and Latin比较文学与拉丁语
MA (Hons)English and Greek英语与希腊语
MA (Hons)English and Latin英语与拉丁语
MA (Hons)French and Greek法语与希腊语
MA (Hons)French and Greek (With a year abroad)法语与希腊语 5年制
MA (Hons)French and Latin法语与拉丁语
MA (Hons)French and Latin (With a year abroad)法语与拉丁语 5年制
MA (Hons)Greek and Hebrew希腊语与希伯来语
MA (Hons)Greek and Italian希腊语与意大利语
MA (Hons)Greek and Italian (With a year abroad)希腊语与意大利语 5年制
MA (Hons)Greek and New Testament希腊语与圣经新约
MA (Hons)Greek and Philosophy希腊语与哲学
MA (Hons)Greek and Social Anthropology希腊语与社会人类学
MA (Hons)Greek and Spanish希腊语与西班牙语
MA (Hons)Greek and Spanish (With a year abroad)希腊语与西班牙语 5年制
MA (Hons)Italian and Latin意大利语与拉丁语
MA (Hons)Italian and Latin (With a year abroad)意大利语与拉丁语 5年制
MA (Hons)Latin and Mathematics拉丁语与数学
MA (Hons)Latin and Mediaeval History拉丁语与中世纪历史
MA (Hons)Latin and Middle East Studies拉丁语与中东研究
MA (Hons)Latin and Modern History拉丁语与现代史
MA (Hons)Latin and New Testament拉丁语与圣经新约
MA (Hons)Latin and Philosophy拉丁语与哲学
MA (Hons)Latin and Russian拉丁语与俄语
MA (Hons)Latin and Russian (With a year abroad)拉丁语与俄语 5年制
MA (Hons)Latin and Social Anthropology拉丁语与社会人类学
MA (Hons)Latin and Spanish拉丁语与西班牙语
MA (Hons)Latin and Spanish (With a year abroad)拉丁语与拉丁语 5年制
Triple subject honours三重主题荣誉学位
MA (Hons)Modern Languages (Arabic and French) and Ancient History现代语言(阿拉伯语与法语)与古历史
MA (Hons)Modern Languages (Arabic and French) and Classical Studies现代语言(阿拉伯语与法语)与古典研究
MA (Hons)Modern Languages (Arabic and French) and Classical Studies (With a year abroad)现代语言(阿拉伯语与法语)与古典研究   5年制
MA (Hons)Modern Languages (Arabic and French) and Latin现代语言(阿拉伯语与法语)与拉丁语
MA (Hons)Modern Languages (Arabic and French) and Latin (With a year abroad)现代语言(阿拉伯语与法语)与拉丁语   5年制
MA (Hons)Modern Languages (Arabic and German) and Ancient History现代语言(阿拉伯语与德语)与古历史
MA (Hons)Modern Languages (Arabic and German) and Latin现代语言(阿拉伯语与德语)与拉丁语
MA (Hons)Modern Languages (Arabic and German) and Latin (With a year abroad)现代语言(阿拉伯语与德语)与拉丁语   5年制
MA (Hons)Modern Languages (Arabic and Italian) and Ancient History现代语言(阿拉伯语与意大利语)与古历史
MA (Hons)Modern Languages (Arabic and Italian) and Classical Studies现代语言(阿拉伯语与意大利语)与古典研究
MA (Hons)Modern Languages (Arabic and Italian) and Classical Studies (With a year abroad)现代语言(阿拉伯语与意大利语)与古典研究   5年制
MA (Hons)Modern Languages (Arabic and Italian) and Latin现代语言(阿拉伯语与意大利语)与拉丁语
MA (Hons)Modern Languages (Arabic and Italian) and Latin (With a year abroad)现代语言(阿拉伯语与意大利语)与拉丁语   5年制
MA (Hons)Modern Languages (Arabic and Persian) and Classical Studies现代语言(阿拉伯语与波斯语)与古典研究
MA (Hons)Modern Languages (Arabic and Persian) and Latin现代语言(阿拉伯语与波斯语)与拉丁语
MA (Hons)Modern Languages (Arabic and Russian) and Ancient History现代语言(阿拉伯语与俄语)与古历史
MA (Hons)Modern Languages (Arabic and Russian) and Classical Studies现代语言(阿拉伯语与俄语)与古典研究
MA (Hons)Modern Languages (Arabic and Russian) and Classical Studies (With a year abroad)现代语言(阿拉伯语与俄语)与古典研究 5年制
MA (Hons)Modern Languages (Arabic and Russian) and Latin现代语言(阿拉伯语与俄语)与拉丁语
MA (Hons)Modern Languages (Arabic and Russian) and Latin (With a year abroad) 现代语言(阿拉伯语与俄语)与拉丁语 5年制
MA (Hons)Modern Languages (Arabic and Spanish) and Ancient History现代语言(阿拉伯语与西班牙语)与古历史
MA (Hons)Modern Languages (Arabic and Spanish) and Classical Studies现代语言(阿拉伯语与西班牙语)与古典研究
MA (Hons)Modern Languages (Arabic and Spanish) and Classical Studies (With a year abroad)现代语言(阿拉伯语与西班牙语)与 古典研究 5年制
MA (Hons)Modern Languages (Arabic and Spanish) and Latin现代语言(阿拉伯语与西班牙语)与拉丁语
MA (Hons)Modern Languages (Arabic and Spanish) and Latin (With a year abroad)现代语言(阿拉伯语与西班牙语)与拉丁语   5年制
MA (Hons)Modern Languages (French and German) and Ancient History现代语言(法语与德语)与古历史
MA (Hons)Modern Languages (French and German) and Ancient History (With a year abroad)现代语言(法语与德语)与古历史
MA (Hons)Modern Languages (French and German) and Greek现代语言(法语与德语)与希腊语
MA (Hons)Modern Languages (French and German) and Greek (With a year abroad)现代语言(法语与德语)与希腊语
MA (Hons)Modern Languages (French and German) and Latin现代语言(法语与德语)与拉丁语
MA (Hons)Modern Languages (French and German) and Latin (With a year abroad)现代语言(法语与德语)与拉丁语
MA (Hons)Modern Languages (French and Italian) and Ancient History现代语言(法语与意大利语)与古历史
MA (Hons)Modern Languages (French and Italian) and Ancient History (With a year abroad)现代语言(法语与意大利语)与古历史
MA (Hons)Modern Languages (French and Italian) and Classical Studies现代语言(法语与意大利语)与古典研究
MA (Hons)Modern Languages (French and Italian) and Classical Studies (With a year abroad)现代语言(法语与意大利语)与古典研究
MA (Hons)Modern Languages (French and Italian) and Greek现代语言(法语与意大利语)与希腊语
MA (Hons)Modern Languages (French and Italian) and Greek (With a year abroad)现代语言(法语与意大利语)与希腊语
MA (Hons)Modern Languages (French and Italian) and Latin现代语言(法语与意大利语)与拉丁语
MA (Hons)Modern Languages (French and Italian) and Latin (With a year abroad)现代语言(法语与意大利语)与拉丁语
MA (Hons)Modern Languages (French and Russian) and Ancient History现代语言(法语与俄语)与古历史
MA (Hons)Modern Languages (French and Russian) and Ancient History (With a year abroad)现代语言(法语与俄语)与古历史
MA (Hons)Modern Languages (French and Russian) and Classical Studies现代语言(法语与俄语)与古典研究
MA (Hons)Modern Languages (French and Russian) and Classical Studies (With a year abroad)现代语言(法语与俄语)与古典研究
MA (Hons)Modern Languages (French and Russian) and Latin现代语言(法语与俄语)与拉丁语
MA (Hons)Modern Languages (French and Russian) and Latin (With a year abroad)现代语言(法语与俄语)与拉丁语
MA (Hons)Modern Languages (French and Spanish) and Ancient History现代语言(法语与西班牙语)与古历史
MA (Hons)Modern Languages (French and Spanish) and Ancient History (With a year abroad)现代语言(法语与西班牙语)与古历史
MA (Hons)Modern Languages (French and Spanish) and Classical Studies现代语言(法语与西班牙语)与古典研究
MA (Hons)Modern Languages (French and Spanish) and Classical Studies (With a year abroad)现代语言(法语与西班牙语)与古典研究
MA (Hons)Modern Languages (French and Spanish) and Greek现代语言(法语与西班牙语)与希腊语
MA (Hons)Modern Languages (French and Spanish) and Greek (With a year abroad)现代语言(法语与西班牙语)与希腊语
MA (Hons)Modern Languages (French and Spanish) and Latin现代语言(法语与西班牙语)与拉丁语
MA (Hons)Modern Languages (French and Spanish) and Latin (With a year abroad)现代语言(法语与西班牙语)与拉丁语
MA (Hons)Modern Languages (German and Italian) and Ancient History现代语言(德语与意大利语)与古历史
MA (Hons)Modern Languages (German and Italian) and Ancient History (With a year abroad)现代语言(德语与意大利语)与古历史
MA (Hons)Modern Languages (German and Italian) and Greek现代语言(德语与意大利语)与希腊语
MA (Hons)Modern Languages (German and Italian) and Greek (With a year abroad)现代语言(德语与意大利语)与希腊语
MA (Hons)Modern Languages (German and Italian) and Latin现代语言(德语与意大利语)与意大利语
MA (Hons)Modern Languages (German and Italian) and Latin (With a year abroad)现代语言(德语与意大利语)与拉丁语
MA (Hons)Modern Languages (German and Russian) and Ancient History现代语言(德语与俄语)与古历史
MA (Hons)Modern Languages (German and Russian) and Ancient History (With a year abroad)现代语言(德语与俄语)与古历史
MA (Hons)Modern Languages (German and Russian) and Latin现代语言(德语与俄语)与拉丁语
MA (Hons)Modern Languages (German and Russian) and Latin (With a year abroad)现代语言(德语与俄语)与拉丁语
MA (Hons)Modern Languages (German and Spanish) and Ancient History现代语言(德语与西班牙语)与古历史
MA (Hons)Modern Languages (German and Spanish) and Ancient History (With a year abroad)现代语言(德语与西班牙语)与古历史
MA (Hons)Modern Languages (German and Spanish) and Greek现代语言(德语与西班牙语)与希腊语
MA (Hons)Modern Languages (German and Spanish) and Greek (With a year abroad)现代语言(德语与西班牙语)与希腊语
MA (Hons)Modern Languages (German and Spanish) and Latin现代语言(德语与西班牙语)与拉丁语
MA (Hons)Modern Languages (German and Spanish) and Latin (With a year abroad)现代语言(德语与西班牙语)与拉丁语
MA (Hons)Modern Languages (Italian and Persian) and Classical Studies现代语言(意大利语与波斯语)与古典研究
MA (Hons)Modern Languages (Italian and Persian) and Greek现代语言(意大利语与波斯语)与希腊语
MA (Hons)Modern Languages (Italian and Persian) and Latin现代语言(意大利语与波斯语)与拉丁语
MA (Hons)Modern Languages (Italian and Russian) and Ancient History现代语言(意大利语与俄语)与古历史
MA (Hons)Modern Languages (Italian and Russian) and Ancient History (With a year abroad)现代语言(意大利语与俄语)与古历史
MA (Hons)Modern Languages (Italian and Russian) and Classical Studies现代语言(意大利语与俄语)与古典研究
MA (Hons)Modern Languages (Italian and Russian) and Classical Studies (With a year abroad)现代语言(意大利语与俄语)与古典研究
MA (Hons)Modern Languages (Italian and Russian) and Latin现代语言(意大利语与俄语)与拉丁语
MA (Hons)Modern Languages (Italian and Russian) and Latin (With a year abroad)现代语言(意大利语与俄语)与拉丁语
MA (Hons)Modern Languages (Italian and Spanish) and Ancient History现代语言(意大利语与西班牙语)与古历史
MA (Hons)Modern Languages (Italian and Spanish) and Ancient History (With a year abroad)现代语言(意大利语与西班牙语)与古历史
MA (Hons)Modern Languages (Italian and Spanish) and Classical Studies现代语言(意大利语与西班牙语)与古典历史
MA (Hons)Modern Languages (Italian and Spanish) and Greek现代语言(意大利语与西班牙语)与希腊语
MA (Hons)Modern Languages (Italian and Spanish) and Greek (With a year abroad)现代语言(意大利语与西班牙语)与希腊语
MA (Hons)Modern Languages (Italian and Spanish) and Latin现代语言(意大利语与西班牙语)与拉丁语
MA (Hons)Modern Languages (Italian and Spanish) and Latin (With a year abroad)现代语言(意大利语与西班牙语)与拉丁语
MA (Hons)Modern Languages (Russian and Spanish) and Ancient History现代语言(俄语与西班牙语)与古历史
MA (Hons)Modern Languages (Russian and Spanish) and Ancient History (With a year abroad)现代语言(俄语与西班牙语)与古历史
MA (Hons)Modern Languages (Russian and Spanish) and Classical Studies现代语言(俄语与西班牙语)与古典研究
MA (Hons)Modern Languages (Russian and Spanish) and Classical Studies (With a year abroad)现代语言(俄语与西班牙语)与古典研究
MA (Hons)Modern Languages (Russian and Spanish) and Latin现代语言(俄语与西班牙语)与拉丁语
MA (Hons)Modern Languages (Russian and Spanish) and Latin (With a year abroad)现代语言(俄语与西班牙语)与拉丁语

Department of Computer Science计算机科学系
Single honours单科荣誉学位
BSc (Hons)Computer Science计算机科学
BSc (Hons)Computer Science计算机科学
MSci (Hons)Computer Science 计算机科学 5年制   本硕连读
MSci (Hons)Computer Science 计算机科学 5年制   本硕连读
BSc (Hons)Computer Science (Gateway)计算机科学
MSci (Hons)Computer Science (Gateway) 计算机科学 5年制   本硕连读
BSc (Hons)Computer Science and Economics计算机科学与经济学
BSc (Hons)Computer Science and Logic & Philosophy of Science计算机科学与科学逻辑哲学
BSc (Hons)Computer Science and Management计算机科学与管理
BSc (Hons)Computer Science and Management Science计算机科学与管理科学
BSc (Hons)Computer Science and Mathematics计算机科学与数学
BSc (Hons)Computer Science and Physics计算机科学与物理
BSc (Hons)Computer Science and Psychology计算机科学与心理学
BSc (Hons)Computer Science and Statistics 计算机科学与统计学
Joint honours联合荣誉学位
BSc (Hons)Computer Science and Economics计算机科学与经济学
BSc (Hons)Computer Science and Logic & Philosophy of Science计算机科学与科学逻辑哲学
BSc (Hons)Computer Science and Management计算机科学与管理
BSc (Hons)Computer Science and Management Science计算机科学与管理科学
BSc (Hons)Computer Science and Mathematics计算机科学与数学
BSc (Hons)Computer Science and Physics计算机科学与物理学
BSc (Hons)Computer Science and Psychology计算机科学与心理学
BSc (Hons)Computer Science and Statistics 计算机科学与统计学

Department of Divinity神学系
Single honours单科荣誉学位
MA (Hons)Biblical Studies神经研究
BD (Hons)Divinity 神学 3年制
BSc (Hons)Sustainable Development可持续性发展
MA (Hons)Sustainable Development可持续性发展
MA (Hons)Theological Studies神学研究
MTheol (Hons)Theology神学
Joint honours联合荣誉学位
MA (Hons)Ancient History and Biblical Studies古历史与圣经研究
MA (Hons)Arabic and Hebrew阿拉伯语与希伯来语
MA (Hons)Art History and Biblical Studies古历史与圣经研究
MA (Hons)Art History and Hebrew古历史与希伯来语
MA (Hons)Biblical Studies and Classical Studies圣经研究与古典研究
MA (Hons)Biblical Studies and Comparative Literature圣经研究与比较文学
MA (Hons)Biblical Studies and Economics圣经研究与经济学
MA (Hons)Biblical Studies and English圣经研究与英语
MA (Hons)Biblical Studies and Film Studies圣经研究与电影研究
MA (Hons)Biblical Studies and French圣经研究与法语
MA (Hons)Biblical Studies and French (With a year abroad) 圣经研究与法语 5年制
MA (Hons)Biblical Studies and German圣经研究与德语
MA (Hons)Biblical Studies and German (With a year abroad)圣经研究与德语   5年制
MA (Hons)Biblical Studies and Greek圣经研究与希腊语
MA (Hons)Biblical Studies and Hebrew圣经研究与希伯来语
MA (Hons)Biblical Studies and International Relations圣经研究与国际关系
MA (Hons)Biblical Studies and Mathematics圣经研究与数学
MA (Hons)Biblical Studies and Mediaeval History圣经研究与中世纪历史
MA (Hons)Biblical Studies and Philosophy圣经研究与哲学
MA (Hons)Classical Studies and New Testament古典研究与圣经新约
MA (Hons)Classical Studies and Theological Studies古典研究与神学研究
MA (Hons)Comparative Literature and Hebrew比较文学与希腊语
MA (Hons)English and Hebrew英语与希伯来语
MA (Hons)English and Theological Studies英语与神学研究
MA (Hons)Film Studies and Theological Studies电影研究与神学研究
MA (Hons)French and Hebrew法语与希伯来语
MA (Hons)French and Hebrew (With a year abroad)法语与希伯来语 5年制
MA (Hons)French and Theological Studies法语与神学研究
MA (Hons)French and Theological Studies (With a year abroad)法语与神学研究 5年制
MA (Hons)Geography and Hebrew地理与希伯来语
MA (Hons)Geography and Theological Studies地理与神学研究
MA (Hons)German and New Testament德语与新约
MA (Hons)German and New Testament (With a year abroad) 德语与新约 5年制
MA (Hons)German and Theological Studies德语与神学研究
MA (Hons)German and Theological Studies (With a year abroad)德语与神学研究   5年制
MA (Hons)Greek and Hebrew希腊语与希伯来语
MA (Hons)Greek and New Testament希腊语与新约
MA (Hons)Hebrew and Mathematics希伯来语与数学
MA (Hons)Hebrew and Middle East Studies希伯来语与中东研究
MA (Hons)Hebrew and New Testament希伯来语与新约
MA (Hons)Hebrew and Russian希伯来语与俄语
MA (Hons)Hebrew and Russian (With a year abroad)希伯来语与俄语 5年制
MA (Hons)International Relations and Theological Studies国际关系与神学研究
MA (Hons)Latin and New Testament拉丁语与新约
MA (Hons)Mathematics and Theological Studies数学与神学研究
MA (Hons)Mediaeval History and Theological Studies中世纪历史与神学研究
MA (Hons)Modern History and New Testament现代史与新约
MA (Hons)Modern History and Theological Studies现代史与神学研究
MA (Hons)Philosophy and Theological Studies哲学与神学研究
MA (Hons)Psychology and Theological Studies心理学与神学研究
MA (Hons)Russian and Theological Studies俄语与神学研究
MA (Hons)Russian and Theological Studies (With a year abroad)俄语与神学研究   5年制
MA (Hons)Social Anthropology and Theological Studies社会人类学与神学研究
MA (Hons)Spanish and Theological Studies西班牙语与神学研究
MA (Hons)Spanish and Theological Studies (With a year abroad)西班牙语与神学研究 5年制

Department of Economics and Finance经济学与金融系
Single honours单科荣誉学位
BSc (Hons)Applied Economics应用经济学
MA (Hons)Applied Economics应用经济学
BSc (Hons)Economics经济学
MA (Hons)Economics经济学
BSc (Hons)Financial Economics金融经济学
MA (Hons)Financial Economics金融经济学
BSc (Hons)Sustainable Development可持续性发展
MA (Hons)Sustainable Development可持续性发展
Joint honours联合荣誉学位
MA (Hons)Ancient History and Economics古历史与经济学
MA (Hons)Arabic and Economics阿拉伯语与经济学
MA (Hons)Biblical Studies and Economics圣经研究与经济学
BSc (Hons)Biology and Economics生物学与经济学
BSc (Hons)Computer Science and Economics计算机科学与经济学
MA (Hons)Economics and English经济学与英语
MA (Hons)Economics and Film Studies经济学与电影研究
BSc (Hons)Economics and Geography经济学与地理学
MA (Hons)Economics and Geography经济学与地理学
MA (Hons)Economics and German经济学与德语
MA (Hons)Economics and German (With a year abroad)经济学与德语 5年制
MA (Hons)Economics and International Relations经济学与国际关系
MA (Hons)Economics and Italian经济学与意大利语
MA (Hons)Economics and Italian (With a year abroad)经济学与意大利语 5年制
BSc (Hons)Economics and Management经济学与管理
MA (Hons)Economics and Management经济学与管理
BSc (Hons)Economics and Management Science经济学与管理科学
BSc (Hons)Economics and Mathematics经济学与数学
MA (Hons)Economics and Mathematics经济学与数学
MA (Hons)Economics and Mediaeval History经济学与中世纪历史
MA (Hons)Economics and Middle East Studies经济学与中东研究
MA (Hons)Economics and Modern History经济学与现代史
MA (Hons)Economics and Philosophy经济学与哲学
BSc (Hons)Economics and Psychology经济学与心理学
MA (Hons)Economics and Psychology经济学与心理学
MA (Hons)Economics and Russian经济学与俄语
MA (Hons)Economics and Russian (With a year abroad)经济学与俄语 5年制
MA (Hons)Economics and Social Anthropology经济学与社会人类学
MA (Hons)Economics and Spanish经济学与西班牙语
MA (Hons)Economics and Spanish (With a year abroad)经济学与西班牙语 5年制
BSc (Hons)Economics and Statistics经济学与统计学
MA (Hons)Economics and Statistics经济学与统计学
Major/minor degrees主修副修学位
MA (Hons)Economics with German经济学与德语
MA (Hons)Economics with German (With a year abroad)经济学与德语 5年制
MA (Hons)Economics with Russian经济学与俄语
MA (Hons)Economics with Russian (With a year abroad)经济学与俄语 5年制
MA (Hons)Economics with Social Anthropology经济学与社会人类学
MA (Hons)Economics with Spanish经济学与西班牙语
MA (Hons)Economics with Spanish (With a year abroad) 经济学与西班牙语 5年制

Department of English英语系
Single honours单科荣誉学位
MA (Hons)English英语
MA (Hons)Mediaeval Studies 中世纪研究
Joint honours联合荣誉学位
MA (Hons)Arabic and English阿拉伯语与英语
MA (Hons)Art History and English艺术历史与英语
MA (Hons)Biblical Studies and English圣经研究与英语
MA (Hons)Classical Studies and English古典研究与英语
MA (Hons)Classics and English古典研究与英语
MA (Hons)Comparative Literature and English比较文学与英语
MA (Hons)Economics and English经济学与英语
MA (Hons)English and Film Studies英语与电影研究
MA (Hons)English and French英语与法语
MA (Hons)English and French (With a year abroad)英语与法语 5年制
MA (Hons)English and German英语与德语
MA (Hons)English and German (With a year abroad)英语与德语 5年制
MA (Hons)English and Greek英语与希腊语
MA (Hons)English and Hebrew英语与希伯来语
MA (Hons)English and Italian英语与意大利语
MA (Hons)English and Italian (With a year abroad)英语与意大利语 5年制
MA (Hons)English and Latin英语与拉丁语
MA (Hons)English and Management英语与管理
MA (Hons)English and Mediaeval History英语与中世纪历史
MA (Hons)English and Middle East Studies英语与中东研究
MA (Hons)English and Modern History英语与现代史
MA (Hons)English and Philosophy英语与哲学
MA (Hons)English and Psychology英语与心理学
MA (Hons)English and Psychology英语与心理学
MA (Hons)English and Russian英语与俄语
MA (Hons)English and Russian (With a year abroad) 英语与俄语 5年制
MA (Hons)English and Scottish History英语与苏格兰历史
MA (Hons)English and Social Anthropology英语与社会人类学
MA (Hons)English and Spanish英语与西班牙语
MA (Hons)English and Spanish (With a year abroad)英语与西班牙语   5年制
MA (Hons)English and Theological Studies英语与神学研究
Triple subject honours三重主题荣誉学位
MA (Hons)Modern Languages (Arabic and French) and English现代语言(阿拉伯语与法语)与英语
MA (Hons)Modern Languages (Arabic and French) and English (With a year abroad)现代语言(阿拉伯语与法语)与英语 5年制
MA (Hons)Modern Languages (Arabic and German) and English现代语言(阿拉伯语与德语)与英语
MA (Hons)Modern Languages (Arabic and German) and English (With a year abroad) 现代语言(阿拉伯语与德语)与英语5年制
MA (Hons)Modern Languages (Arabic and Italian) and English现代语言(阿拉伯语与意大利语)与英语
MA (Hons)Modern Languages (Arabic and Italian) and English (With a year abroad)现代语言(阿拉伯语与意大利语)与英语 5年制
MA (Hons)Modern Languages (Arabic and Persian) and English现代语言(阿拉伯语与波斯语)与英语
MA (Hons)Modern Languages (Arabic and Russian) and English现代语言(阿拉伯语与俄语)与英语
MA (Hons)Modern Languages (Arabic and Russian) and English (With a year abroad)现代语言(阿拉伯语与俄语)与英语 5年制
MA (Hons)Modern Languages (Arabic and Spanish) and English现代语言(阿拉伯语与西班牙语)与英语
MA (Hons)Modern Languages (Arabic and Spanish) and English (With a year abroad)现代语言(阿拉伯语与西班牙语)与英语 5年制
MA (Hons)Modern Languages (French and German) and English现代语言(法语与德语)与英语
MA (Hons)Modern Languages (French and German) and English (With a year abroad) 现代语言(法语与德语)与英语5年制
MA (Hons)Modern Languages (French and Italian) and English现代语言(法语与法语)与英语
MA (Hons)Modern Languages (French and Italian) and English (With a year abroad) 现代语言(法语与法语)与英语5年制
MA (Hons)Modern Languages (French and Russian) and English现代语言(法语与法语)与英语
MA (Hons)Modern Languages (French and Russian) and English (With a year abroad)现代语言(法语与俄语)与英语 5年制
MA (Hons)Modern Languages (French and Spanish) and English现代语言(法语与西班牙语)与英语
MA (Hons)Modern Languages (French and Spanish) and English (With a year abroad) 现代语言(法语与西班牙语)与英语5年制
MA (Hons)Modern Languages (German and Italian) and English现代语言(德语与意大利语)与英语
MA (Hons)Modern Languages (German and Italian) and English (With a year abroad)现代语言(德语与意大利语)与英语 5年制
MA (Hons)Modern Languages (German and Russian) and English现代语言(德语与俄语)与英语
MA (Hons)Modern Languages (German and Russian) and English (With a year abroad)现代语言(德语与俄语)与英语 5年制
MA (Hons)Modern Languages (German and Spanish) and English现代语言(德语与西班牙语)与英语
MA (Hons)Modern Languages (German and Spanish) and English (With a year abroad) 现代语言(德语与西班牙语)与英语5年制
MA (Hons)Modern Languages (Italian and Persian) and English现代语言(意大利语与波斯语)与英语
MA (Hons)Modern Languages (Italian and Persian) and English (With a year abroad) 现代语言(意大利语与波斯语)与英语   5年制
MA (Hons)Modern Languages (Italian and Russian) and English现代语言(意大利语与俄语)与英语
MA (Hons)Modern Languages (Italian and Russian) and English (With a year abroad)现代语言(意大利语与俄语)与英语 5年制
MA (Hons)Modern Languages (Italian and Spanish) and English现代语言(意大利语与西班牙语)与英语
MA (Hons)Modern Languages (Italian and Spanish) and English (With a year abroad)现代语言(意大利语与西班牙语)与英语 5年制
MA (Hons)Modern Languages (Russian and Spanish) and English现代语言(俄语与西班牙语)与英语
MA (Hons)Modern Languages (Russian and Spanish) and English (With a year abroad) 现代语言(俄语与西班牙语)与英语 5年制

Department of Geography and Geosciences地理与地质学系
Single honours单科荣誉学位
Master in Geology (Honours)Earth Sciences地球科学地理 5年制 本硕连读
BSc (Hons)Environmental Earth Sciences环境地球科学
BSc (Hons)Geography地理学
MA (Hons)Geography地理学
BSc (Hons)Geology地质学
BSc (Hons)Sustainable Development可持续性发展
MA (Hons)Sustainable Development 可持续性发展
Joint honours联合荣誉学位
MA (Hons)Art History and Geography艺术历史与地理学
BSc (Hons)Biology and Geography生物与地理学
BSc (Hons)Biology and Geology生物与地质学
BSc (Hons)Chemistry and Geology化学与地质学
MA (Hons)Classical Studies and Geography古典研究与地理学
MA (Hons)Comparative Literature and Geography比较文学与地理学
BSc (Hons)Economics and Geography经济学与地理学
MA (Hons)Economics and Geography经济学与地理学
MA (Hons)Film Studies and Geography电影研究与地理学
MA (Hons)French and Geography法语与地理学
MA (Hons)French and Geography (With a year abroad)法语与地理学   5年制
MA (Hons)Geography and Hebrew地理与希伯来语
MA (Hons)Geography and International Relations地理与国际关系
MA (Hons)Geography and Italian地理与意大利语
MA (Hons)Geography and Italian (With a year abroad)地理与意大利语 5年制
BSc (Hons)Geography and Management地理与管理
MA (Hons)Geography and Management地理与管理
BSc (Hons)Geography and Management Science地理与管理科学
BSc (Hons)Geography and Mathematics地理与数学
MA (Hons)Geography and Mediaeval History地理与中世界历史
MA (Hons)Geography and Middle East Studies地理与中东研究
MA (Hons)Geography and Modern History地理与现代史
MA (Hons)Geography and Philosophy地理与哲学
MA (Hons)Geography and Psychology地理与心理学
MA (Hons)Geography and Scottish History地理与苏格兰历史
MA (Hons)Geography and Social Anthropology地理与社会人类学
MA (Hons)Geography and Spanish地理与西班牙语
MA (Hons)Geography and Spanish (With a year abroad)地理与西班牙语 5年制
BSc (Hons)Geography and Statistics地理与统计学
MA (Hons)Geography and Theological Studies地理与神学研究
Triple subject honours三重主题荣誉学位
MA (Hons)Geography with Persian地理与波斯语
MA (Hons)Geography with Social Anthropology地理与社会人类学
MA (Hons)Geography with Spanish地理与西班牙语
MA (Hons)Geography with Spanish (With a year abroad)地理与西班牙语 5年制
BSc (Hons)Mathematics with Geography数学与地理学
MA (Hons)Psychology with Geography心理学与地理学
MA (Hons)Russian with Geography俄语与地理学
MA (Hons)Russian with Geography (With a year abroad)俄语与地理学 5年制
MA (Hons)Social Anthropology with Geography社会人类学与地理学
MA (Hons)Spanish with Geography西班牙语与地理
MA (Hons)Spanish with Geography (With a year abroad) 西班牙语与地理 5年制

Department of History历史系
Single honours单科荣誉学位
MA (Hons)History历史
MA (Hons)Mediaeval History中世纪历史
MA (Hons)Mediaeval History & Archaeology 中世纪历史与考古学
MA (Hons)Mediaeval Studies中世纪研究
MA (Hons)Modern History现代史
MA (Hons)Scottish History苏格兰历史
BSc (Hons)Sustainable Development可持续性发展
MA (Hons)Sustainable Development可持续性发展
Joint honours联合荣誉学位
MA (Hons)Arabic and Mediaeval History阿拉伯语与中世纪历史
MA (Hons)Arabic and Middle East Studies阿拉伯语与中东研究
MA (Hons)Arabic and Modern History阿拉伯语与现代史
MA (Hons)Art History and Mediaeval History艺术历史与中世纪历史
MA (Hons)Art History and Middle East Studies艺术历史与中东研究
MA (Hons)Art History and Modern History艺术历史与现代史
MA (Hons)Biblical Studies and Mediaeval History圣经研究与中世纪历史
MA (Hons)Classical Studies and Mediaeval History古典研究与中世纪历史
MA (Hons)Classical Studies and Middle East Studies古典研究与中东研究
MA (Hons)Classical Studies and Modern History古典研究与现代史
MA (Hons)Classical Studies and Scottish History古典研究与苏格兰历史
MA (Hons)Comparative Literature and Mediaeval History比较文学与中世纪历史
MA (Hons)Comparative Literature and Modern History中世纪文学与现代史
MA (Hons)Economics and Mediaeval History经济学与中世纪历史
MA (Hons)Economics and Middle East Studies经济学与中东研究
MA (Hons)Economics and Modern History经济学与现代史
MA (Hons)English and Mediaeval History英语与中世纪历史
MA (Hons)English and Middle East Studies英语与中东研究
MA (Hons)English and Modern History英语与现代史
MA (Hons)English and Scottish History英语与苏格兰历史
MA (Hons)Film Studies and Modern History电影研究与现代史
MA (Hons)Film Studies and Scottish History电影研究与苏格兰历史
MA (Hons)French and Mediaeval History法语与中世纪历史
MA (Hons)French and Mediaeval History (With a year abroad)法语与中世纪历史 5年制
MA (Hons)French and Modern History法语与现代史
MA (Hons)French and Modern History (With a year abroad)法语与现代史 5年制
MA (Hons)Geography and Mediaeval History地理与中世纪历史
MA (Hons)Geography and Middle East Studies地理与中东研究
MA (Hons)Geography and Modern History地理与现代史
MA (Hons)Geography and Scottish History地理与苏格拉历史
MA (Hons)German and Mediaeval History德语与中世纪历史
MA (Hons)German and Mediaeval History (With a year abroad)德语与中世纪历史 5年制
MA (Hons)German and Middle East Studies德语与中东研究
MA (Hons)German and Middle East Studies (With a year abroad)德语与中东研究 5年制
MA (Hons)German and Modern History德语与现代史
MA (Hons)German and Modern History (With a year abroad)德语与现代史 5年制
MA (Hons)Hebrew and Middle East Studies希伯来语与中东研究
MA (Hons)International Relations and Mediaeval History国际关系与中世纪历史
MA (Hons)International Relations and Middle East Studies国际关系与中东研究
MA (Hons)International Relations and Modern History国际关系与现代史
MA (Hons)International Relations and Scottish History国际关系与苏格兰历史
MA (Hons)Italian and Mediaeval History意大利语与中世纪历史
MA (Hons)Italian and Middle East Studies意大利语与中东研究
MA (Hons)Italian and Modern History意大利语与现代史
MA (Hons)Italian and Scottish History意大利语与苏格兰历史
MA (Hons)Italian and Scottish History (With a year abroad) 意大利语与苏格兰历史 5年制
MA (Hons)Latin and Mediaeval History拉丁语与中世纪历史
MA (Hons)Latin and Middle East Studies拉丁语与中东研究
MA (Hons)Latin and Modern History拉丁语与现代史
MA (Hons)Management and Middle East Studies管理与中东研究
MA (Hons)Management and Modern History管理与现代史
MA (Hons)Mathematics and Mediaeval History数学与中世纪历史
MA (Hons)Mathematics and Modern History数学与现代史
MA (Hons)Mathematics and Scottish History数学与苏格兰历史
MA (Hons)Mediaeval History and Middle East Studies中世纪历史与中东研究
MA (Hons)Mediaeval History and Philosophy中世纪历史与哲学
MA (Hons)Mediaeval History and Psychology中世纪历史与心理学
MA (Hons)Mediaeval History and Russian中世纪历史与俄语
MA (Hons)Mediaeval History and Russian (With a year abroad)中世纪历史与俄语 5年制
MA (Hons)Mediaeval History and Social Anthropology中世纪历史与社会人类学
MA (Hons)Mediaeval History and Spanish中世纪历史与西班牙语
MA (Hons)Mediaeval History and Spanish (With a year abroad)中世纪历史与西班牙语 5年制
MA (Hons)Mediaeval History and Theological Studies中世纪历史与神学研究
MA (Hons)Middle East Studies and Modern History中东研究与现代史
MA (Hons)Middle East Studies and Russian中东研究与俄语
MA (Hons)Middle East Studies and Russian (With a year abroad)中东研究与俄语 5年制
MA (Hons)Middle East Studies and Social Anthropology中东研究与社会人类学
MA (Hons)Middle East Studies and Spanish中东研究与西班牙语
MA (Hons)Middle East Studies and Spanish (With a year abroad)中东研究与西班牙语 5年制
MA (Hons)Modern History and New Testament现代史与新约
MA (Hons)Modern History and Philosophy现代史与哲学
MA (Hons)Modern History and Psychology现代史与心理学
MA (Hons)Modern History and Russian现代史与俄语
MA (Hons)Modern History and Russian (With a year abroad)现代史与俄语 5年制
MA (Hons)Modern History and Social Anthropology现代史与社会人类学
MA (Hons)Modern History and Spanish现代史与西班牙语
MA (Hons)Modern History and Spanish (With a year abroad)现代史与西班牙语 5年制
MA (Hons)Modern History and Theological Studies现代史与神学研究
MA (Hons)Philosophy and Scottish History哲学与苏格兰历史
MA (Hons)Russian and Scottish History俄语与苏格兰历史
MA (Hons)Russian and Scottish History (With a year abroad)俄语与苏格兰历史 5年制
MA (Hons)Scottish History and Social Anthropology苏格兰历史与社会人类学
MA (Hons)Scottish History and Spanish苏格兰历史与西班牙语
MA (Hons)Scottish History and Spanish (With a year abroad)苏格兰历史与西班牙语 5年制
Major/minor degrees主修副修学位
MA (Hons)Mediaeval History with Persian中世纪历史与波斯语
MA (Hons)Modern History with Persian现代历史与波斯语

Department of International Relations国际关系系
Single honours单科荣誉学位
MA (Hons)International Relations国际关系
BSc (Hons)Sustainable Development可持续性发展
MA (Hons)Sustainable Development可持续性发展
Joint honours联合荣誉学位
MA (Hons)Arabic and International Relations阿拉伯语与国际关系
MA (Hons)Art History and International Relations艺术历史与国际关系
MA (Hons)Biblical Studies and International Relations圣经研究与国际关系
MA (Hons)Classical Studies and International Relations古典研究与国际关系
MA (Hons)Comparative Literature and International Relations对比文学与国际关系
MA (Hons)Economics and International Relations经济学与国际关系
MA (Hons)Film Studies and International Relations电影研究与国际关系
MA (Hons)French and International Relations法语与国际关系
MA (Hons)French and International Relations (With a year abroad)法语与国际关系   5年制
MA (Hons)Geography and International Relations地理与国际关系
MA (Hons)German and International Relations德语与国际关系
MA (Hons)German and International Relations (With a year abroad)德语与国际关系   5年制
MA (Hons)International Relations and Italian国际关系与意大利语
MA (Hons)International Relations and Management国际关系与管理
MA (Hons)International Relations and Mathematics国际关系与数学
MA (Hons)International Relations and Mediaeval History国际关系与中世纪历史
MA (Hons)International Relations and Middle East Studies国际关系与中东研究
MA (Hons)International Relations and Modern History国际关系与现代史
MA (Hons)International Relations and Philosophy国际关系与哲学
MA (Hons)International Relations and Psychology国际关系与心理学
MA (Hons)International Relations and Russian国际关系与俄语
MA (Hons)International Relations and Scottish History国际关系与苏格兰历史
MA (Hons)International Relations and Social Anthropology国际关系与社会人类学
MA (Hons)International Relations and Spanish国际关系与西班牙语
MA (Hons)International Relations and Theological Studies国际关系与神学研究
Major/minor degrees主修副修学位
MA (Hons)International Relations with Persian国际关系与波斯语
Triple subject honours三重主题荣誉学位
MA (Hons)Modern Languages (Arabic and French) and International Relations现代语言(阿拉伯语与法语)与国际关系
MA (Hons)Modern Languages (Arabic and French) and International Relations (With a year abroad)现代语言(阿拉伯语与法语)与国际关系 5年制
MA (Hons)Modern Languages (Arabic and German) and International Relations现代语言(阿拉伯语与德语)与国际关系
MA (Hons)Modern Languages (Arabic and German) and International Relations (With a year abroad) 现代语言(阿拉伯语与德语)与国际关系   5年制
MA (Hons)Modern Languages (Arabic and Italian) and International Relations现代语言(阿拉伯语与意大利语)与国际关系
MA (Hons)Modern Languages (Arabic and Italian) and International Relations (With a year abroad) 5年制现代语言(阿拉伯语与意大利语)与国际关系
MA (Hons)Modern Languages (Arabic and Russian) and International Relations现代语言(阿拉伯语与俄语)与国际关系
MA (Hons)Modern Languages (Arabic and Russian) and International Relations (With a year abroad) 现代语言(阿拉伯语与俄语)与国际关系5年制
MA (Hons)Modern Languages (Arabic and Spanish) and International Relations现代语言(阿拉伯语与西班牙语)与国际关系
MA (Hons)Modern Languages (Arabic and Spanish) and International Relations (With a year abroad)现代语言(阿拉伯语与西班牙语)与国际关系   5年制
MA (Hons)Modern Languages (French and German) and International Relations 现代语言(法语与德语)与国际关系
MA (Hons)Modern Languages (French and German) and International Relations (With a year abroad) 现代语言(法语与德语)与国际关系 5年制
MA (Hons)Modern Languages (French and Italian) and International Relations现代语言(法语与意大利语)与国际关系
MA (Hons)Modern Languages (French and Italian) and International Relations (With a year abroad) 现代语言(法语与意大利语)与国际关系 5年制
MA (Hons)Modern Languages (French and Russian) and International Relations现代语言(法语与俄语)与国际关系
MA (Hons)Modern Languages (French and Russian) and International Relations (With a year abroad) 现代语言(法语与俄语)与国际关系   5年制
MA (Hons)Modern Languages (French and Spanish) and International Relations现代语言(法语与西班牙语)与国际关系
MA (Hons)Modern Languages (French and Spanish) and International Relations (With a year abroad) 现代语言(法语与西班牙语)与国际关系 5年制
MA (Hons)Modern Languages (German and Italian) and International Relations现代语言(德语与意大利语)与国际关系
MA (Hons)Modern Languages (German and Italian) and International Relations (With a year abroad) 现代语言(德语与意大利语)与国际关系 5年制
MA (Hons)Modern Languages (German and Russian) and International Relations现代语言(德语与俄语)与国际关系
MA (Hons)Modern Languages (German and Russian) and International Relations (With a year abroad) 现代语言(德语与俄语)与国际关系   5年制
MA (Hons)Modern Languages (German and Spanish) and International Relations (With a year abroad) 现代语言(德语与西班牙语)与国际关系   5年制
MA (Hons)Modern Languages (German and Spanish) and International Relations现代语言(德语与西班牙语)与国际关系
MA (Hons)Modern Languages (Italian and Persian) and International Relations现代语言(意大利语与波斯语)与国际关系
MA (Hons)Modern Languages (Italian and Persian) and International Relations (With a year abroad) 现代语言(意大利语与波斯语)与国际关系   5年制
MA (Hons)Modern Languages (Italian and Russian) and International Relations现代语言(意大利语与俄语)与国际关系
MA (Hons)Modern Languages (Italian and Russian) and International Relations (With a year abroad) 现代语言(意大利语与俄语)与国际关系   5年制
MA (Hons)Modern Languages (Italian and Spanish) and International Relations现代语言(意大利语与西班牙语)与国际关系
MA (Hons)Modern Languages (Italian and Spanish) and International Relations (With a year abroad) 现代语言(意大利语与西班牙语)与国际关系 5年制
MA (Hons)Modern Languages (Russian and Spanish) and International Relations现代语言(俄语与俄语)与国际关系
MA (Hons)Modern Languages (Russian and Spanish) and International Relations (With a year abroad) 现代语言(俄语与俄语)与国际关系   5年制

Department of Management管理系
Single honours单科荣誉学位
BSc (Hons)Management管理
MA (Hons)Management管理
BSc (Hons)Management Science管理科学
Joint honours联合荣誉学位
MA (Hons)Arabic and Management阿拉伯语与管理
MA (Hons)Art History and Management艺术历史与管理
MA (Hons)Classics and Management古典学与管理
MA (Hons)Comparative Literature and Management比较文学与管理
BSc (Hons)Computer Science and Management计算机科学与管理
BSc (Hons)Computer Science and Management Science计算机科学与管理科学
BSc (Hons)Economics and Management经济学与管理
MA (Hons)Economics and Management经济学与管理
BSc (Hons)Economics and Management Science经济学与管理科学
MA (Hons)English and Management英语与管理
MA (Hons)French and Management法语与管理
MA (Hons)French and Management (With a year abroad) 法语与管理   5年制
BSc (Hons)Geography and Management地理与管理
MA (Hons)Geography and Management地理与管理
BSc (Hons)Geography and Management Science地理与管理科学
MA (Hons)German and Management德语与管理
MA (Hons)German and Management (With a year abroad)德语与管理 5年制
MA (Hons)International Relations and Management国际关系与管理
MA (Hons)Italian and Management意大利语与管理
MA (Hons)Italian and Management (With a year abroad)意大利语与管理 5年制
BSc (Hons)Management Science and Mathematics管理科学与数学
BSc (Hons)Management Science and Statistics管理科学与统计学
MA (Hons)Management and Middle East Studies管理与中东研究
MA (Hons)Management and Modern History管理与现代史
MA (Hons)Management and Philosophy管理与哲学
MA (Hons)Management and Psychology管理与心理学
MA (Hons)Management and Russian管理与俄语
MA (Hons)Management and Russian (With a year abroad)管理与俄语 5年制
MA (Hons)Management and Spanish管理与西班牙语
MA (Hons)Management and Spanish (With a year abroad)管理与西班牙语 5年制
Triple subject honours三重主题荣誉学位
MA (Hons)Modern Languages (Arabic and French) and Management现代语言(阿拉伯语与法语)与管理
MA (Hons)Modern Languages (Arabic and French) and Management (With a year abroad)现代语言(阿拉伯语与法语)与管理 5年制
MA (Hons)Modern Languages (Arabic and German) and Management现代语言(阿拉伯语与德语)与管理
MA (Hons)Modern Languages (Arabic and German) and Management (With a year abroad)现代语言(阿拉伯语与德语)与管理 5年制
MA (Hons)Modern Languages (Arabic and Italian) and Management现代语言(阿拉伯语与意大利语)与管理
MA (Hons)Modern Languages (Arabic and Italian) and Management (With a year abroad)现代语言(阿拉伯语与意大利语)与管理 5年制
MA (Hons)Modern Languages (Arabic and Russian) and Management现代语言(阿拉伯语与俄语)与管理
MA (Hons)Modern Languages (Arabic and Russian) and Management (With a year abroad)现代语言(阿拉伯语与俄语)与管理 5年制
MA (Hons)Modern Languages (Arabic and Spanish) and Management现代语言(阿拉伯语与西班牙语)与管理
MA (Hons)Modern Languages (Arabic and Spanish) and Management (With a year abroad)现代语言(阿拉伯语与西班牙语)与管理   5年制
MA (Hons)Modern Languages (French and German) and Management现代语言(法语与德语)与管理
MA (Hons)Modern Languages (French and German) and Management (With a year abroad)现代语言(法语与德语)与管理 5年制
MA (Hons)Modern Languages (French and Italian) and Management现代语言(法语与意大利语)与管理
MA (Hons)Modern Languages (French and Italian) and Management (With a year abroad)现代语言(法语与意大利语)与管理 5年制
MA (Hons)Modern Languages (French and Russian) and Management现代语言(法语与俄语)与管理
MA (Hons)Modern Languages (French and Russian) and Management (With a year abroad)现代语言(法语与俄语)与管理 5年制
MA (Hons)Modern Languages (French and Spanish) and Management现代语言(法语与西班牙语)与管理
MA (Hons)Modern Languages (French and Spanish) and Management (With a year abroad)现代语言(法语与西班牙语)与管理 5年制
MA (Hons)Modern Languages (German and Italian) and Management现代语言(德语与意大利语)与管理
MA (Hons)Modern Languages (German and Italian) and Management (With a year abroad)现代语言(德语与意大利语)与管理   5年制
MA (Hons)Modern Languages (German and Persian) and Management (With a year abroad)现代语言(德语与波斯语)与管理   5年制
MA (Hons)Modern Languages (German and Russian) and Management现代语言(德语与俄语)与管理
MA (Hons)Modern Languages (German and Russian) and Management (With a year abroad)现代语言(德语与俄语)与管理 5年制
MA (Hons)Modern Languages (German and Spanish) and Management现代语言(德语与西班牙语)与管理
MA (Hons)Modern Languages (German and Spanish) and Management (With a year abroad)现代语言(德语与西班牙语)与管理   5年制
MA (Hons)Modern Languages (Italian and Persian) and Management (With a year abroad)现代语言(意大利语与波斯语)与管理   5年制
MA (Hons)Modern Languages (Italian and Russian) and Management现代语言(意大利语与俄语)与管理
MA (Hons)Modern Languages (Italian and Russian) and Management (With a year abroad)现代语言(意大利语与俄语)与管理   5年制
MA (Hons)Modern Languages (Italian and Spanish) and Management现代语言(意大利语与西班牙语)与管理
MA (Hons)Modern Languages (Italian and Spanish) and Management (With a year abroad)现代语言(意大利语与西班牙语)与管理   5年制
MA (Hons)Modern Languages (Russian and Spanish) and Management现代语言(俄语与西班牙语)与管理
MA (Hons)Modern Languages (Russian and Spanish) and Management (With a year abroad)现代语言(俄语与西班牙语)与管理   5年制

Department of Mathematics and Statistics数学与统计学系
Single honours单科荣誉学位
MMath (Hons)Applied Mathematics英语数学   5年制
MMath (Hons)Applied Mathematics (Fast Track)英语数学
BSc (Hons)Mathematics数学
MA (Hons)Mathematics数学
MMath (Hons)Mathematics 数学5年制
MMath (Hons)Mathematics (Fast Track)数学
MMath (Hons)Pure Mathematics (Fast Track)纯数学
BSc (Hons)Statistics统计学
MA (Hons)Statistics统计学
MMath (Hons)Statistics统计学   5年制
MMath (Hons)Statistics (Fast Track)统计学
BSc (Hons)Sustainable Development可持续性发展
MA (Hons)Sustainable Development可持续性发展
Joint honours联合荣誉学位
MA (Hons)Ancient History and Mathematics古历史与数学
MA (Hons)Arabic and Mathematics阿拉伯语与神学
MA (Hons)Biblical Studies and Mathematics圣经研究与神学
BSc (Hons)Biology and Mathematics生物学与数学
BSc (Hons)Biology and Statistics生物学与统计学
BSc (Hons)Chemistry and Mathematics化学与数学
MA (Hons)Classical Studies and Mathematics古典研究与数学
BSc (Hons)Computer Science and Mathematics计算机科学与数学
BSc (Hons)Computer Science and Statistics计算机科学与统计学
BSc (Hons)Economics and Mathematics经济学与数学
MA (Hons)Economics and Mathematics经济学与数学
BSc (Hons)Economics and Statistics经济学与统计学
MA (Hons)Economics and Statistics经济学与统计学
BSc (Hons)Geography and Mathematics地理与神学
BSc (Hons)Geography and Statistics地理与统计学
MA (Hons)German and Mathematics德语与数学
MA (Hons)German and Mathematics (With a year abroad)德语与数学 5年制
MA (Hons)Hebrew and Mathematics希伯来语与数学
MA (Hons)International Relations and Mathematics国际关系与数学
MA (Hons)Italian and Mathematics意大利语与数学
MA (Hons)Latin and Mathematics拉丁语与数学
BSc (Hons)Logic & Philosophy of Science and Mathematics科学逻辑哲学与数学
BSc (Hons)Logic & Philosophy of Science and Statistics科学逻辑哲学与数学
BSc (Hons)Management Science and Mathematics管理科学与数学
BSc (Hons)Management Science and Statistics管理科学与统计学
MA (Hons)Mathematics and Mediaeval History数学与中世纪历史
MA (Hons)Mathematics and Modern History数学与现代史
MA (Hons)Mathematics and Philosophy数学与哲学
BSc (Hons)Mathematics and Physics数学与物理学
BSc (Hons)Mathematics and Psychology数学与心理学
MA (Hons)Mathematics and Psychology数学与心理学
MA (Hons)Mathematics and Russian数学与俄语
MA (Hons)Mathematics and Russian (With a year abroad)数学与俄语 5年制
MA (Hons)Mathematics and Scottish History数学与苏格兰历史
MA (Hons)Mathematics and Spanish数学与西班牙语
MA (Hons)Mathematics and Spanish (With a year abroad)数学与西班牙语 5年制
MA (Hons)Mathematics and Theological Studies数学与神学研究
MPhys (Hons)Mathematics and Theoretical Physics数学与理论物理学 5年制
MA (Hons)Philosophy and Statistics哲学与统计学
Major/minor degrees主修副修学位
MChem (Hons)Chemistry with Mathematics数学化学 5年制
BSc (Hons)Mathematics with Geography地理数学
MA (Hons)Mathematics with Russian数学与俄语
MA (Hons)Mathematics with Russian (With a year abroad)数学与俄语 5年制
MA (Hons)Mathematics with Spanish数学与西班牙语
MA (Hons)Mathematics with Spanish (With a year abroad)数学与西班牙语 5年制

Department of Medicine医药系
Single honours单科荣誉学位
BSc (Hons)Medicine医药

Department of Modern Languages
Single honours单科荣誉学位
MA (Hons)French法语
MA (Hons)French (With a year abroad)法语 5年制
MA (Hons)German德语
MA (Hons)German (With a year abroad)德语 5年制
MA (Hons)Italian意大利语
MA (Hons)Italian (With a year abroad)意大利语 5年制
MA (Hons)Russian俄语
MA (Hons)Russian (With a year abroad)俄语 5年制
MA (Hons)Spanish西班牙语
MA (Hons)Spanish (With a year abroad)西班牙语   5年制
Joint honours联合荣誉学位
MA (Hons)Ancient History and Comparative Literature古历史与比较文学
MA (Hons)Ancient History and French古历史与法语
MA (Hons)Ancient History and French (With a year abroad)古历史与法语   5年制
MA (Hons)Ancient History and German古历史与德语
MA (Hons)Ancient History and German (With a year abroad)古历史与德语   5年制
MA (Hons)Ancient History and Italian古历史与意大利语
MA (Hons)Ancient History and Italian (With a year abroad)古历史与意大利语   5年制
MA (Hons)Ancient History and Spanish古历史与西班牙语
MA (Hons)Ancient History and Spanish (With a year abroad)古历史与西班牙语   5年制
MA (Hons)Arabic and Art History阿拉伯语与古历史
MA (Hons)Arabic and Comparative Literature阿拉伯语与比较文学
MA (Hons)Arabic and Economics阿拉伯语与经济学
MA (Hons)Arabic and English阿拉伯语与英语
MA (Hons)Arabic and Film Studies阿拉伯语与电影研究
MA (Hons)Arabic and French阿拉伯语与法语
MA (Hons)Arabic and French (With a year abroad)阿拉伯语与法语   5年制
MA (Hons)Arabic and German阿拉伯语与德语
MA (Hons)Arabic and German (With a year abroad)阿拉伯语与德语   5年制
MA (Hons)Arabic and Hebrew阿拉伯语与希伯来语
MA (Hons)Arabic and International Relations阿拉伯语与国际关系
MA (Hons)Arabic and Italian阿拉伯语与意大利语
MA (Hons)Arabic and Italian (With a year abroad)阿拉伯语与意大利语   5年制
MA (Hons)Arabic and Latin阿拉伯语与拉丁语
MA (Hons)Arabic and Management阿拉伯语与管理
MA (Hons)Arabic and Mathematics阿拉伯语与数学
MA (Hons)Arabic and Mediaeval History阿拉伯语与中世纪历史
MA (Hons)Arabic and Middle East Studies阿拉伯语与中东研究
MA (Hons)Arabic and Modern History阿拉伯语与现代史
MA (Hons)Arabic and Philosophy阿拉伯语与哲学
MA (Hons)Arabic and Russian阿拉伯语与俄语
MA (Hons)Arabic and Russian (With a year abroad)阿拉伯语与俄语   5年制
MA (Hons)Arabic and Social Anthropology阿拉伯语与社会人类学
MA (Hons)Arabic and Spanish阿拉伯语与西班牙语
MA (Hons)Arabic and Spanish (With a year abroad)阿拉伯语与西班牙语   5年制
MA (Hons)Art History and Comparative Literature艺术历史与比较文学
MA (Hons)Art History and French艺术历史与法语
MA (Hons)Art History and French (With a year abroad)艺术历史与法语   5年制
MA (Hons)Art History and German艺术历史与德语
MA (Hons)Art History and German (With a year abroad)艺术历史与德语   5年制
MA (Hons)Art History and Italian艺术历史与意大利语
MA (Hons)Art History and Italian (With a year abroad)艺术历史与意大利语   5年制
MA (Hons)Art History and Russian艺术历史与俄语
MA (Hons)Art History and Spanish艺术历史与西班牙语
MA (Hons)Art History and Spanish (With a year abroad)艺术历史与西班牙语   5年制
MA (Hons)Biblical Studies and Comparative Literature圣经研究与比较文学
MA (Hons)Biblical Studies and French圣经研究与法语
MA (Hons)Biblical Studies and French (With a year abroad)圣经研究与法语   5年制
MA (Hons)Biblical Studies and German圣经研究与德语
MA (Hons)Biblical Studies and German (With a year abroad)圣经研究与德语   5年制
MA (Hons)Classical Studies and Comparative Literature古典研究与比较文学
MA (Hons)Classical Studies and French古典研究与法语
MA (Hons)Classical Studies and French (With a year abroad)古典研究与法语   5年制
MA (Hons)Classical Studies and Italian古典研究与意大利语
MA (Hons)Classical Studies and Italian (With a year abroad)古典研究与意大利语   5年制
MA (Hons)Classics and Comparative Literature古典学与比较文学
MA (Hons)Classics and French古典学与法语
MA (Hons)Classics and French (With a year abroad)古典学与法语   5年制
MA (Hons)Classics and Italian古典学与意大利语
MA (Hons)Classics and Italian (With a year abroad)古典学与意大利语   5年制
MA (Hons)Classics and Spanish古典学与西班牙语
MA (Hons)Classics and Spanish (With a year abroad)古典学与西班牙语   5年制
MA (Hons)Comparative Literature and English比较文学与英语
MA (Hons)Comparative Literature and Film Studies比较文学与电影研究
MA (Hons)Comparative Literature and French比较文学与法语
MA (Hons)Comparative Literature and French (With a year abroad)比较文学与法语   5年制
MA (Hons)Comparative Literature and Geography比较文学与地理
MA (Hons)Comparative Literature and German比较文学与德语
MA (Hons)Comparative Literature and German (With a year abroad)比较文学与德语   5年制
MA (Hons)Comparative Literature and Greek比较文学与希腊语
MA (Hons)Comparative Literature and Hebrew比较文学与希伯来语
MA (Hons)Comparative Literature and International Relations比较文学与国际关系
MA (Hons)Comparative Literature and Italian比较文学与意大利语
MA (Hons)Comparative Literature and Italian (With a year abroad)比较文学与意大利语   5年制
MA (Hons)Comparative Literature and Latin比较文学与拉丁语
MA (Hons)Comparative Literature and Management比较文学与管理
MA (Hons)Comparative Literature and Mediaeval History比较文学与中世纪历史
MA (Hons)Comparative Literature and Modern History比较文学与现代史
MA (Hons)Comparative Literature and Philosophy比较文学与哲学
MA (Hons)Comparative Literature and Russian比较文学与俄语
MA (Hons)Comparative Literature and Russian (With a year abroad)比较文学与俄语   5年制
MA (Hons)Comparative Literature and Social Anthropology比较文学与社会人类学
MA (Hons)Comparative Literature and Spanish比较文学与西班牙语
MA (Hons)Comparative Literature and Spanish (With a year abroad)比较文学与西班牙语   5年制
MA (Hons)Economics and German经济学与德语
MA (Hons)Economics and German (With a year abroad)经济学与德语 5年制
MA (Hons)Economics and Italian经济学与意大利语
MA (Hons)Economics and Italian (With a year abroad)经济学与意大利语   5年制
MA (Hons)Economics and Russian经济学与俄语
MA (Hons)Economics and Russian (With a year abroad)经济学与俄语   5年制
MA (Hons)Economics and Spanish经济学与西班牙语
MA (Hons)Economics and Spanish (With a year abroad)经济学与西班牙语   5年制
MA (Hons)English and French英语与法语
MA (Hons)English and French (With a year abroad)英语与法语   5年制
MA (Hons)English and German英语与德语
MA (Hons)English and German (With a year abroad)英语与德语   5年制
MA (Hons)English and Italian英语与意大利语
MA (Hons)English and Italian (With a year abroad)英语与意大利语   5年制
MA (Hons)English and Russian英语与俄语
MA (Hons)English and Russian (With a year abroad)英语与俄语   5年制
MA (Hons)English and Spanish英语与西班牙语
MA (Hons)English and Spanish (With a year abroad)英语与西班牙语   5年制
MA (Hons)Film Studies and French电影研究与法语
MA (Hons)Film Studies and French (With a year abroad)电影研究与法语   5年制
MA (Hons)Film Studies and German电影研究与德语
MA (Hons)Film Studies and German (With a year abroad)电影研究与德语   5年制
MA (Hons)Film Studies and Italian电影研究与意大利语
MA (Hons)Film Studies and Italian (With a year abroad)电影研究与意大利语   5年制
MA (Hons)Film Studies and Russian电影研究与俄语
MA (Hons)Film Studies and Russian (With a year abroad)电影研究与俄语   5年制
MA (Hons)Film Studies and Spanish电影研究与西班牙语
MA (Hons)Film Studies and Spanish (With a year abroad)电影研究与西班牙语   5年制
MA (Hons)French and Geography法语与地理
MA (Hons)French and Geography (With a year abroad)法语与地理   5年制
MA (Hons)French and German法语与德语
MA (Hons)French and German (With a year abroad)法语与德语   5年制
MA (Hons)French and Greek法语与希腊语
MA (Hons)French and Greek (With a year abroad)法语与希腊语   5年制
MA (Hons)French and Hebrew法语与希伯来语
MA (Hons)French and Hebrew (With a year abroad)法语与希伯来语   5年制
MA (Hons)French and International Relations法语与国际关系
MA (Hons)French and International Relations (With a year abroad)法语与国际关系   5年制
MA (Hons)French and Italian法语与意大利语
MA (Hons)French and Italian (With a year abroad)法语与意大利语   5年制
MA (Hons)French and Latin法语与拉丁语
MA (Hons)French and Latin (With a year abroad)法语与拉丁语   5年制
MA (Hons)French and Management法语与管理
MA (Hons)French and Management (With a year abroad)法语与管理   5年制
MA (Hons)French and Mediaeval History法语与中世纪历史
MA (Hons)French and Mediaeval History (With a year abroad)法语与中世纪历史   5年制
MA (Hons)French and Modern History法语与现代史
MA (Hons)French and Modern History (With a year abroad)法语与现代史   5年制
MA (Hons)French and Philosophy法语与哲学
MA (Hons)French and Philosophy (With a year abroad)法语与哲学   5年制
MA (Hons)French and Psychology法语与心理学
MA (Hons)French and Psychology (With a year abroad)法语与心理学   5年制
MA (Hons)French and Russian法语与俄语
MA (Hons)French and Russian (With a year abroad)法语与俄语   5年制
MA (Hons)French and Social Anthropology法语与社会人类学
MA (Hons)French and Social Anthropology (With a year abroad)法语与社会人类学   5年制
MA (Hons)French and Spanish法语与西班牙语
MA (Hons)French and Spanish (With a year abroad)法语与西班牙语   5年制
MA (Hons)French and Theological Studies法语与神学研究
MA (Hons)French and Theological Studies (With a year abroad)法语与神学研究   5年制
MA (Hons)Geography and Italian地理与意大利语
MA (Hons)Geography and Italian (With a year abroad)地理与意大利语   5年制
MA (Hons)Geography and Spanish地理与西班牙语
MA (Hons)Geography and Spanish (With a year abroad)地理与西班牙语   5年制
MA (Hons)German and International Relations德语与国际关系
MA (Hons)German and International Relations (With a year abroad)德语与国际关系   5年制
MA (Hons)German and Italian德语与意大利语
MA (Hons)German and Italian (With a year abroad)德语与意大利语   5年制
MA (Hons)German and Management德语与管理
MA (Hons)German and Management (With a year abroad)德语与管理   5年制
MA (Hons)German and Mathematics德语与数学
MA (Hons)German and Mathematics (With a year abroad)德语与数学   5年制
MA (Hons)German and Mediaeval History德语与中世纪历史
MA (Hons)German and Mediaeval History (With a year abroad)德语与中世纪历史   5年制
MA (Hons)German and Middle East Studies德语与中东研究
MA (Hons)German and Middle East Studies (With a year abroad)德语与中东研究   5年制
MA (Hons)German and Modern History德语与现代史
MA (Hons)German and Modern History (With a year abroad)德语与现代史   5年制
MA (Hons)German and New Testament德语与新约
MA (Hons)German and New Testament (With a year abroad)德语与新约   5年制
MA (Hons)German and Philosophy德语与哲学
MA (Hons)German and Philosophy (With a year abroad)德语与哲学   5年制
MA (Hons)German and Psychology德语与心理学
MA (Hons)German and Psychology德语与心理学
MA (Hons)German and Psychology (With a year abroad)德语与心理学   5年制
MA (Hons)German and Psychology (With a year abroad)德语与心理学   5年制
MA (Hons)German and Russian德语与俄语
MA (Hons)German and Russian (With a year abroad)德语与俄语   5年制
MA (Hons)German and Social Anthropology德语与社会人类学
MA (Hons)German and Social Anthropology (With a year abroad)德语与社会人类学   5年制
MA (Hons)German and Spanish德语与西班牙语
MA (Hons)German and Spanish (With a year abroad)德语与西班牙语   5年制
MA (Hons)German and Theological Studies德语与神学研究
MA (Hons)German and Theological Studies (With a year abroad)德语与神学研究   5年制
MA (Hons)Greek and Italian希腊语与意大利语
MA (Hons)Greek and Italian (With a year abroad)希腊语与意大利语   5年制
MA (Hons)Greek and Spanish希腊语与西班牙语
MA (Hons)Greek and Spanish (With a year abroad)希腊语与西班牙语   5年制
MA (Hons)Hebrew and Russian希伯来语与俄语
MA (Hons)Hebrew and Russian (With a year abroad)希伯来语与俄语   5年制
MA (Hons)International Relations and Italian国际关系与意大利语
MA (Hons)International Relations and Russian国际关系与俄语
MA (Hons)International Relations and Spanish国际关系与西班牙语
MA (Hons)Italian and Latin意大利语与拉丁语
MA (Hons)Italian and Latin (With a year abroad)意大利语与拉丁语   5年制
MA (Hons)Italian and Management意大利语与管理
MA (Hons)Italian and Management (With a year abroad)意大利语与管理   5年制
MA (Hons)Italian and Mathematics意大利语与数学
MA (Hons)Italian and Mediaeval History意大利语与中世纪历史
MA (Hons)Italian and Middle East Studies意大利语与中东研究
MA (Hons)Italian and Modern History意大利语与现代史
MA (Hons)Italian and Philosophy意大利语与哲学
MA (Hons)Italian and Psychology意大利语与心理学
MA (Hons)Italian and Russian意大利语与俄语
MA (Hons)Italian and Russian (With a year abroad)意大利语与俄语   5年制
MA (Hons)Italian and Scottish History意大利语与苏格兰历史
MA (Hons)Italian and Scottish History (With a year abroad)意大利语与苏格兰历史   5年制
MA (Hons)Italian and Social Anthropology意大利语与社会人类学
MA (Hons)Italian and Social Anthropology (With a year abroad)意大利语与社会人类学   5年制
MA (Hons)Italian and Spanish意大利语与西班牙语
MA (Hons)Italian and Spanish (With a year abroad)意大利语与西班牙语   5年制
MA (Hons)Latin and Russian拉丁语与俄语
MA (Hons)Latin and Russian (With a year abroad)拉丁语与俄语   5年制
MA (Hons)Latin and Spanish拉丁语与西班牙语
MA (Hons)Latin and Spanish (With a year abroad)拉丁语与西班牙语   5年制
MA (Hons)Management and Russian管理与俄语
MA (Hons)Management and Russian (With a year abroad)管理与俄语   5年制
MA (Hons)Management and Spanish管理与西班牙语
MA (Hons)Management and Spanish (With a year abroad)管理与西班牙语   5年制
MA (Hons)Mathematics and Russian数学与俄语
MA (Hons)Mathematics and Russian (With a year abroad)数学与俄语   5年制
MA (Hons)Mathematics and Spanish数学与西班牙语
MA (Hons)Mathematics and Spanish (With a year abroad)数学与西班牙语   5年制
MA (Hons)Mediaeval History and Russian中世纪历史与俄语
MA (Hons)Mediaeval History and Russian (With a year abroad)中世纪历史与俄语   5年制
MA (Hons)Mediaeval History and Spanish中世纪历史与西班牙语
MA (Hons)Mediaeval History and Spanish (With a year abroad)中世纪历史与西班牙语   5年制
MA (Hons)Middle East Studies and Russian中东研究与俄语
MA (Hons)Middle East Studies and Russian (With a year abroad)中东研究与俄语   5年制
MA (Hons)Middle East Studies and Spanish中东研究与西班牙语
MA (Hons)Middle East Studies and Spanish (With a year abroad)中东研究与西班牙语   5年制
MA (Hons)Modern History and Russian现代史与俄语
MA (Hons)Modern History and Russian (With a year abroad)现代史与俄语   5年制
MA (Hons)Modern History and Spanish现代史与西班牙语
MA (Hons)Modern History and Spanish (With a year abroad)现代史与西班牙语   5年制
MA (Hons)Philosophy and Russian哲学与俄语
MA (Hons)Philosophy and Russian (With a year abroad)哲学与俄语   5年制
MA (Hons)Philosophy and Spanish哲学与西班牙语
MA (Hons)Philosophy and Spanish (With a year abroad)哲学与西班牙语   5年制
MA (Hons)Russian and Scottish History俄语与苏格兰历史
MA (Hons)Russian and Scottish History (With a year abroad)俄语与苏格兰历史   5年制
MA (Hons)Russian and Social Anthropology俄语与社会人类学
MA (Hons)Russian and Social Anthropology (With a year abroad)俄语与社会人类学   5年制
MA (Hons)Russian and Spanish俄语与西班牙语
MA (Hons)Russian and Spanish (With a year abroad)俄语与西班牙语   5年制
MA (Hons)Russian and Theological Studies俄语与神学研究
MA (Hons)Russian and Theological Studies (With a year abroad)俄语与神学研究   5年制
MA (Hons)Scottish History and Spanish苏格兰历史与西班牙语
MA (Hons)Scottish History and Spanish (With a year abroad)苏格兰历史与西班牙语   5年制
MA (Hons)Social Anthropology and Spanish社会人类学与西班牙语
MA (Hons)Social Anthropology and Spanish (With a year abroad)社会人类学与西班牙语   5年制
MA (Hons)Spanish and Theological Studies西班牙语与神学研究
MA (Hons)Spanish and Theological Studies (With a year abroad)西班牙语与神学研究   5年制
Major/minor degrees主修副修学位
BSc (Hons)Biology with Arabic生物与阿拉伯语
BSc (Hons)Biology with French生物与法语
BSc (Hons)Biology with French (With a year abroad)生物与法语   5年制
BSc (Hons)Chemistry with French化学与法语
MChem (Hons)Chemistry with French化学与法语 5年制 本硕连读
BSc (Hons)Chemistry with French (With a year abroad)化学与法语   5年制
MA (Hons)Economics with German经济学与德语
MA (Hons)Economics with German (With a year abroad)经济学与德语   5年制
MA (Hons)Economics with Russian经济学与俄语
MA (Hons)Economics with Russian (With a year abroad)经济学与俄语   5年制
MA (Hons)Economics with Spanish经济学与西班牙语
MA (Hons)Economics with Spanish (With a year abroad)经济学与西班牙语   5年制
MA (Hons)Geography with Spanish经济学与西班牙语
MA (Hons)Geography with Spanish (With a year abroad)经济学与西班牙语   5年制
MA (Hons)Mathematics with Russian数学与俄语
MA (Hons)Mathematics with Russian (With a year abroad)数学与俄语   5年制
MA (Hons)Mathematics with Spanish数学与西班牙语
MA (Hons)Mathematics with Spanish (With a year abroad)数学与西班牙语
MA (Hons)Russian with Geography俄语与地理
MA (Hons)Russian with Geography (With a year abroad)俄语与地理   5年制
MA (Hons)Spanish with Geography西班牙语与地理
MA (Hons)Spanish with Geography (With a year abroad)西班牙语与地理   5年制
Triple subject honours三重主题荣誉学位
MA (Hons)Arabic and Comparative Literature and French阿拉伯语、比较文学与法语
MA (Hons)Arabic and Comparative Literature and French (With a year abroad)阿拉伯语、比较文学与法语   5年制
MA (Hons)Arabic and Comparative Literature and German阿拉伯语、比较文学与德语
MA (Hons)Arabic and Comparative Literature and German (With a year abroad)阿拉伯语、比较文学与德语   5年制
MA (Hons)Arabic and Comparative Literature and Italian阿拉伯语、比较文学与意大利语
MA (Hons)Arabic and Comparative Literature and Italian (With a year abroad)阿拉伯语、比较文学与意大利语   5年制
MA (Hons)Arabic and Comparative Literature and Russian阿拉伯语、比较文学与俄语
MA (Hons)Arabic and Comparative Literature and Russian (With a year abroad)阿拉伯语、比较文学与俄语   5年制
MA (Hons)Arabic and Comparative Literature and Spanish阿拉伯语、比较文学与西班牙语
MA (Hons)Arabic and Comparative Literature and Spanish (With a year abroad)阿拉伯语、比较文学与西班牙语   5年制
MA (Hons)Arabic and French and German阿拉伯语、法语与德语
MA (Hons)Arabic and French and German (With a year abroad)阿拉伯语、法语与德语   5年制
MA (Hons)Arabic and French and Italian阿拉伯语、法语与意大利语
MA (Hons)Arabic and French and Italian (With a year abroad)阿拉伯语、法语与意大利语   5年制
MA (Hons)Arabic and French and Persian阿拉伯语、法语与波斯语
MA (Hons)Arabic and French and Persian (With a year abroad)阿拉伯语、法语与波斯语   5年制
MA (Hons)Arabic and French and Russian阿拉伯语、法语与俄语
MA (Hons)Arabic and French and Russian (With a year abroad)阿拉伯语、法语与俄语   5年制
MA (Hons)Arabic and French and Spanish阿拉伯语、法语与西班牙语
MA (Hons)Arabic and French and Spanish (With a year abroad)阿拉伯语、法语与西班牙语   5年制
MA (Hons)Arabic and German and Italian阿拉伯语、德语与意大利语
MA (Hons)Arabic and German and Italian (With a year abroad)阿拉伯语、德语与意大利语   5年制
MA (Hons)Arabic and German and Persian阿拉伯语、德语与波斯语
MA (Hons)Arabic and German and Persian (With a year abroad)阿拉伯语、德语与波斯语   5年制
MA (Hons)Arabic and German and Russian阿拉伯语、德语与俄语
MA (Hons)Arabic and German and Russian (With a year abroad)阿拉伯语、德语与俄语   5年制
MA (Hons)Arabic and German and Spanish阿拉伯语、德语与西班牙语
MA (Hons)Arabic and German and Spanish (With a year abroad)阿拉伯语、德语与西班牙语   5年制
MA (Hons)Arabic and Italian and Persian阿拉伯语、意大利语与波斯语
MA (Hons)Arabic and Italian and Persian (With a year abroad)阿拉伯语、意大利语与波斯语   5年制
MA (Hons)Arabic and Italian and Russian阿拉伯语、意大利语与俄语
MA (Hons)Arabic and Italian and Russian (With a year abroad)阿拉伯语、意大利语与俄语   5年制
MA (Hons)Arabic and Italian and Spanish阿拉伯语、意大利语与西班牙语
MA (Hons)Arabic and Italian and Spanish (With a year abroad)阿拉伯语、意大利语与西班牙语   5年制
MA (Hons)Arabic and Persian and Russian阿拉伯语、波斯语与俄语
MA (Hons)Arabic and Persian and Russian (With a year abroad)阿拉伯语、波斯语与俄语   5年制
MA (Hons)Arabic and Persian and Spanish阿拉伯语、波斯语与西班牙语
MA (Hons)Arabic and Persian and Spanish (With a year abroad)阿拉伯语、波斯语与西班牙语   5年制
MA (Hons)Arabic and Russian and Spanish阿拉伯语、俄语与西班牙语
MA (Hons)Arabic and Russian and Spanish (With a year abroad)阿拉伯语、俄语与西班牙语   5年制
MA (Hons)Comparative Literature and French and German比较文学、法语与德语
MA (Hons)Comparative Literature and French and German (With a year abroad)比较文学、法语与德语   5年制
MA (Hons)Comparative Literature and French and Italian比较文学、法语与意大利语
MA (Hons)Comparative Literature and French and Italian (With a year abroad)比较文学、法语与意大利语   5年制
MA (Hons)Comparative Literature and French and Russian比较文学、法语与俄语
MA (Hons)Comparative Literature and French and Russian (With a year abroad)比较文学、法语与俄语   5年制
MA (Hons)Comparative Literature and French and Spanish比较文学、法语与西班牙语
MA (Hons)Comparative Literature and French and Spanish (With a year abroad)比较文学、法语与西班牙语   5年制
MA (Hons)Comparative Literature and German and Italian比较文学、德语与意大利语
MA (Hons)Comparative Literature and German and Italian (With a year abroad)比较文学、德语与意大利语   5年制
MA (Hons)Comparative Literature and German and Russian比较文学、德语与俄语
MA (Hons)Comparative Literature and German and Russian (With a year abroad)比较文学、德语与俄语   5年制
MA (Hons)Comparative Literature and German and Spanish比较文学、德语与西班牙语
MA (Hons)Comparative Literature and German and Spanish (With a year abroad)比较文学、德语与西班牙语   5年制
MA (Hons)Comparative Literature and Italian and Russian比较文学、意大利语与俄语
MA (Hons)Comparative Literature and Italian and Russian (With a year abroad)比较文学、意大利语与俄语   5年制
MA (Hons)Comparative Literature and Italian and Spanish比较文学、意大利语与西班牙语
MA (Hons)Comparative Literature and Italian and Spanish (With a year abroad)比较文学、意大利语与西班牙语   5年制
MA (Hons)Comparative Literature and Russian and Spanish比较文学、俄语与西班牙语
MA (Hons)Comparative Literature and Russian and Spanish (With a year abroad)比较文学、俄语与西班牙语   5年制
MA (Hons)French and German and Italian法语、德语与意大利语
MA (Hons)French and German and Italian (With a year abroad)法语、德语与意大利语   5年制
MA (Hons)French and German and Persian法语、德语与波斯语
MA (Hons)French and German and Persian (With a year abroad)法语、德语与波斯语   5年制
MA (Hons)French and German and Russian法语、德语与俄语
MA (Hons)French and German and Russian (With a year abroad)法语、德语与俄语   5年制
MA (Hons)French and German and Spanish法语、德语与西班牙语
MA (Hons)French and German and Spanish (With a year abroad)法语、德语与西班牙语   5年制
MA (Hons)French and Italian and Persian法语、意大利语与波斯语
MA (Hons)French and Italian and Persian (With a year abroad)法语、意大利语与波斯语   5年制
MA (Hons)French and Italian and Russian法语、意大利语与俄语
MA (Hons)French and Italian and Russian (With a year abroad)法语、意大利语与俄语   5年制
MA (Hons)French and Italian and Spanish法语、意大利语与西班牙语
MA (Hons)French and Italian and Spanish (With a year abroad)法语、意大利语与西班牙语   5年制
MA (Hons)French and Persian and Russian法语、波斯语与俄语
MA (Hons)French and Persian and Russian (With a year abroad)法语、波斯语与俄语   5年制
MA (Hons)French and Persian and Spanish法语、波斯语与西班牙语
MA (Hons)French and Persian and Spanish (With a year abroad)法语、波斯语与西班牙语   5年制
MA (Hons)French and Russian and Spanish法语、俄语与西班牙语
MA (Hons)French and Russian and Spanish (With a year abroad)法语、俄语与西班牙语   5年制
MA (Hons)German Italian Persian德语、意大利语与波斯语
MA (Hons)German and Italian and Persian (With a year abroad)德语、意大利语与波斯语   5年制
MA (Hons)German and Italian and Russian德语、意大利语与俄语
MA (Hons)German and Italian and Russian (With a year abroad)德语、意大利语与俄语   5年制
MA (Hons)German and Italian and Spanish德语、意大利语与西班牙语
MA (Hons)German and Italian and Spanish (With a year abroad)德语、意大利语与西班牙语   5年制
MA (Hons)German and Persian and Russian德语、波斯语与俄语
MA (Hons)German and Persian and Russian (With a year abroad)德语、波斯语与俄语   5年制
MA (Hons)German and Persian and Spanish德语、波斯语与西班牙语
MA (Hons)German and Persian and Spanish (With a year abroad)德语、波斯语与西班牙语   5年制
MA (Hons)German and Russian and Spanish德语、俄语与西班牙语
MA (Hons)German and Russian and Spanish (With a year abroad)德语、俄语与西班牙语   5年制
MA (Hons)Italian and Persian and Russian意大利语、波斯语与俄语
MA (Hons)Italian and Persian and Russian (With a year abroad)意大利语、波斯语与俄语   5年制
MA (Hons)Italian and Persian and Spanish意大利语、波斯语与西班牙语
MA (Hons)Italian and Persian and Spanish (With a year abroad)意大利语、波斯语与西班牙语   5年制
MA (Hons)Italian and Russian and Spanish意大利语、俄语与西班牙语
MA (Hons)Italian and Russian and Spanish (With a year abroad)意大利语、俄语与西班牙语   5年制
MA (Hons)Modern Languages (Arabic and French) and Ancient History现代语言(阿拉伯语与法语)与古历史
MA (Hons)Modern Languages (Arabic and French) and Classical Studies现代语言(阿拉伯语与法语)与古典研究
MA (Hons)Modern Languages (Arabic and French) and Classical Studies (With a year abroad)现代语言(阿拉伯语与法语)与古典研究   5年制
MA (Hons)Modern Languages (Arabic and French) and English现代语言(阿拉伯语与法语)与英语
MA (Hons)Modern Languages (Arabic and French) and English (With a year abroad)现代语言(阿拉伯语与法语)与英语   5年制
MA (Hons)Modern Languages (Arabic and French) and International Relations现代语言(阿拉伯语与法语)与国际关系
MA (Hons)Modern Languages (Arabic and French) and International Relations (With a year abroad)现代语言(阿拉伯语与法语)与国际关系   5年制
MA (Hons)Modern Languages (Arabic and French) and Latin现代语言(阿拉伯语与法语)与拉丁语
MA (Hons)Modern Languages (Arabic and French) and Latin (With a year abroad)现代语言(阿拉伯语与法语)与拉丁语   5年制
MA (Hons)Modern Languages (Arabic and French) and Management现代语言(阿拉伯语与法语)与管理
MA (Hons)Modern Languages (Arabic and French) and Management (With a year abroad)现代语言(阿拉伯语与法语)与管理   5年制
MA (Hons)Modern Languages (Arabic and German) and Ancient History现代语言(阿拉伯语与德语)与古历史
MA (Hons)Modern Languages (Arabic and German) and English现代语言(阿拉伯语与德语)与英语
MA (Hons)Modern Languages (Arabic and German) and English (With a year abroad)现代语言(阿拉伯语与德语)与英语   5年制
MA (Hons)Modern Languages (Arabic and German) and International Relations现代语言(阿拉伯语与德语)与国际关系
MA (Hons)Modern Languages (Arabic and German) and International Relations (With a year abroad)现代语言(阿拉伯语与德语)与国际关系   5年制
MA (Hons)Modern Languages (Arabic and German) and Latin现代语言(阿拉伯语与德语)与拉丁语
MA (Hons)Modern Languages (Arabic and German) and Latin (With a year abroad)现代语言(阿拉伯语与德语)与拉丁语   5年制
MA (Hons)Modern Languages (Arabic and German) and Management现代语言(阿拉伯语与德语)与管理
MA (Hons)Modern Languages (Arabic and German) and Management (With a year abroad)现代语言(阿拉伯语与德语)与管理   5年制
MA (Hons)Modern Languages (Arabic and Italian) and Ancient History现代语言(阿拉伯语与意大利语)与古历史
MA (Hons)Modern Languages (Arabic and Italian) and Classical Studies现代语言(阿拉伯语与意大利语)与古典研究
MA (Hons)Modern Languages (Arabic and Italian) and Classical Studies (With a year abroad)现代语言(阿拉伯语与意大利语)与古典研究   5年制
MA (Hons)Modern Languages (Arabic and Italian) and English现代语言(阿拉伯语与意大利语)与英语
MA (Hons)Modern Languages (Arabic and Italian) and English (With a year abroad)现代语言(阿拉伯语与意大利语)与英语   5年制
MA (Hons)Modern Languages (Arabic and Italian) and International Relations现代语言(阿拉伯语与意大利语)与国际关系
MA (Hons)Modern Languages (Arabic and Italian) and International Relations (With a year abroad)现代语言(阿拉伯语与意大利语)与国际关系   5年制
MA (Hons)Modern Languages (Arabic and Italian) and Latin现代语言(阿拉伯语与意大利语)与拉丁语
MA (Hons)Modern Languages (Arabic and Italian) and Latin (With a year abroad)现代语言(阿拉伯语与意大利语)与拉丁语   5年制
MA (Hons)Modern Languages (Arabic and Italian) and Management现代语言(阿拉伯语与意大利语)与管理
MA (Hons)Modern Languages (Arabic and Italian) and Management (With a year abroad)现代语言(阿拉伯语与意大利语)与管理   5年制
MA (Hons)Modern Languages (Arabic and Persian) and Classical Studies现代语言(阿拉伯语与波斯语)与古典研究
MA (Hons)Modern Languages (Arabic and Persian) and English现代语言(阿拉伯语与波斯语)与英语
MA (Hons)Modern Languages (Arabic and Persian) and Latin现代语言(阿拉伯语与波斯语)与拉丁语
MA (Hons)Modern Languages (Arabic and Russian) and Ancient History现代语言(阿拉伯语与俄语)与古历史
MA (Hons)Modern Languages (Arabic and Russian) and Classical Studies现代语言(阿拉伯语与俄语)与古典研究
MA (Hons)Modern Languages (Arabic and Russian) and Classical Studies (With a year abroad)现代语言(阿拉伯语与俄语)与古典研究   5年制
MA (Hons)Modern Languages (Arabic and Russian) and English现代语言(阿拉伯语与俄语)与英语
MA (Hons)Modern Languages (Arabic and Russian) and English (With a year abroad)现代语言(阿拉伯语与俄语)与英语   5年制
MA (Hons)Modern Languages (Arabic and Russian) and International Relations现代语言(阿拉伯语与俄语)与国际关系
MA (Hons)Modern Languages (Arabic and Russian) and International Relations (With a year abroad)现代语言(阿拉伯语与俄语)与国际关系   5年制
MA (Hons)Modern Languages (Arabic and Russian) and Latin现代语言(阿拉伯语与俄语)与拉丁语
MA (Hons)Modern Languages (Arabic and Russian) and Latin (With a year abroad)现代语言(阿拉伯语与俄语)与拉丁语   5年制
MA (Hons)Modern Languages (Arabic and Russian) and Management现代语言(阿拉伯语与俄语)与管理
MA (Hons)Modern Languages (Arabic and Russian) and Management (With a year abroad)现代语言(阿拉伯语与俄语)与管理   5年制
MA (Hons)Modern Languages (Arabic and Spanish) and Ancient History现代语言(阿拉伯语与西班牙语)与古历史
MA (Hons)Modern Languages (Arabic and Spanish) and Classical Studies现代语言(阿拉伯语与西班牙语)与古典研究
MA (Hons)Modern Languages (Arabic and Spanish) and Classical Studies (With a year abroad)现代语言(阿拉伯语与西班牙语)与古典研究   5年制
MA (Hons)Modern Languages (Arabic and Spanish) and English现代语言(阿拉伯语与西班牙语)与英语
MA (Hons)Modern Languages (Arabic and Spanish) and English (With a year abroad)现代语言(阿拉伯语与西班牙语)与英语   5年制
MA (Hons)Modern Languages (Arabic and Spanish) and International Relations现代语言(阿拉伯语与西班牙语)与国际关系
MA (Hons)Modern Languages (Arabic and Spanish) and International Relations (With a year abroad)现代语言(阿拉伯语与西班牙语)与国际关系   5年制
MA (Hons)Modern Languages (Arabic and Spanish) and Latin现代语言(阿拉伯语与西班牙语)与拉丁语
MA (Hons)Modern Languages (Arabic and Spanish) and Latin (With a year abroad)现代语言(阿拉伯语与西班牙语)与拉丁语   5年制
MA (Hons)Modern Languages (Arabic and Spanish) and Management现代语言(阿拉伯语与西班牙语)与管理
MA (Hons)Modern Languages (Arabic and Spanish) and Management (With a year abroad)现代语言(阿拉伯语与西班牙语)与管理   5年制
MA (Hons)Modern Languages (French and German) and Ancient History现代语言(法语与德语)与古历史
MA (Hons)Modern Languages (French and German) and Ancient History (With a year abroad)现代语言(法语与德语)与古历史   5年制
MA (Hons)Modern Languages (French and German) and English现代语言(法语与德语)与英语
MA (Hons)Modern Languages (French and German) and English (With a year abroad)现代语言(法语与德语)与英语   5年制
MA (Hons)Modern Languages (French and German) and Greek现代语言(法语与德语)与希腊语
MA (Hons)Modern Languages (French and German) and Greek (With a year abroad)现代语言(法语与德语)与希腊语   5年制
MA (Hons)Modern Languages (French and German) and International Relations现代语言(法语与德语)与国际关系
MA (Hons)Modern Languages (French and German) and International Relations (With a year abroad)现代语言(法语与德语)与国际关系   5年制
MA (Hons)Modern Languages (French and German) and Latin现代语言(法语与德语)与拉丁语
MA (Hons)Modern Languages (French and German) and Latin (With a year abroad)现代语言(法语与德语)与拉丁语   5年制
MA (Hons)Modern Languages (French and German) and Management现代语言(法语与德语)与管理
MA (Hons)Modern Languages (French and German) and Management (With a year abroad)现代语言(法语与德语)与管理   5年制
MA (Hons)Modern Languages (French and Italian) and Ancient History现代语言(法语与意大利语)与古历史
MA (Hons)Modern Languages (French and Italian) and Ancient History (With a year abroad)现代语言(法语与意大利语)与古历史   5年制
MA (Hons)Modern Languages (French and Italian) and Classical Studies现代语言(法语与意大利语)与古典研究
MA (Hons)Modern Languages (French and Italian) and Classical Studies (With a year abroad)现代语言(法语与意大利语)与古典研究   5年制
MA (Hons)Modern Languages (French and Italian) and English现代语言(法语与意大利语)与英语
MA (Hons)Modern Languages (French and Italian) and English (With a year abroad)现代语言(法语与意大利语)与英语   5年制
MA (Hons)Modern Languages (French and Italian) and Greek现代语言(法语与意大利语)与希腊语
MA (Hons)Modern Languages (French and Italian) and Greek (With a year abroad)现代语言(法语与意大利语)与希腊语   5年制
MA (Hons)Modern Languages (French and Italian) and International Relations现代语言(法语与意大利语)与国际关系
MA (Hons)Modern Languages (French and Italian) and International Relations (With a year abroad)现代语言(法语与意大利语)与国际关系   5年制
MA (Hons)Modern Languages (French and Italian) and Latin现代语言(法语与意大利语)与拉丁语
MA (Hons)Modern Languages (French and Italian) and Latin (With a year abroad)现代语言(法语与意大利语)与拉丁语   5年制
MA (Hons)Modern Languages (French and Italian) and Management现代语言(法语与意大利语)与意大利语
MA (Hons)Modern Languages (French and Italian) and Management (With a year abroad)现代语言(法语与意大利语)与管理   5年制
MA (Hons)Modern Languages (French and Russian) and Ancient History现代语言(法语与俄语)与古历史
MA (Hons)Modern Languages (French and Russian) and Ancient History (With a year abroad)现代语言(法语与俄语)与古历史   5年制
MA (Hons)Modern Languages (French and Russian) and Classical Studies现代语言(法语与俄语)与古典研究
MA (Hons)Modern Languages (French and Russian) and Classical Studies (With a year abroad)现代语言(法语与俄语)与古典研究   5年制
MA (Hons)Modern Languages (French and Russian) and English现代语言(法语与俄语)与英语
MA (Hons)Modern Languages (French and Russian) and English (With a year abroad)现代语言(法语与俄语)与英语   5年制
MA (Hons)Modern Languages (French and Russian) and International Relations现代语言(法语与俄语)与国际关系
MA (Hons)Modern Languages (French and Russian) and International Relations (With a year abroad)现代语言(法语与俄语)与国际关系   5年制
MA (Hons)Modern Languages (French and Russian) and Latin现代语言(法语与俄语)与拉丁语
MA (Hons)Modern Languages (French and Russian) and Latin (With a year abroad)现代语言(法语与俄语)与拉丁语   5年制
MA (Hons)Modern Languages (French and Russian) and Management现代语言(法语与俄语)与管理
MA (Hons)Modern Languages (French and Russian) and Management (With a year abroad)现代语言(法语与俄语)与管理   5年制
MA (Hons)Modern Languages (French and Spanish) and Ancient History现代语言(法语与西班牙语)与古历史
MA (Hons)Modern Languages (French and Spanish) and Ancient History (With a year abroad)现代语言(法语与西班牙语)与古历史   5年制
MA (Hons)Modern Languages (French and Spanish) and Classical Studies现代语言(法语与西班牙语)与古典研究
MA (Hons)Modern Languages (French and Spanish) and Classical Studies (With a year abroad)现代语言(法语与西班牙语)与古典研究   5年制
MA (Hons)Modern Languages (French and Spanish) and English现代语言(法语与西班牙语)与英语
MA (Hons)Modern Languages (French and Spanish) and English (With a year abroad)现代语言(法语与西班牙语)与英语   5年制
MA (Hons)Modern Languages (French and Spanish) and Greek现代语言(法语与西班牙语)与希腊语
MA (Hons)Modern Languages (French and Spanish) and Greek (With a year abroad)现代语言(法语与西班牙语)与希腊语   5年制
MA (Hons)Modern Languages (French and Spanish) and International Relations现代语言(法语与西班牙语)与国际关系
MA (Hons)Modern Languages (French and Spanish) and International Relations (With a year abroad)现代语言(法语与西班牙语)与国际关系   5年制
MA (Hons)Modern Languages (French and Spanish) and Latin现代语言(法语与西班牙语)与拉丁语
MA (Hons)Modern Languages (French and Spanish) and Latin (With a year abroad)现代语言(法语与西班牙语)与拉丁语   5年制
MA (Hons)Modern Languages (French and Spanish) and Management现代语言(法语与西班牙语)与管理
MA (Hons)Modern Languages (French and Spanish) and Management (With a year abroad)现代语言(法语与西班牙语)与管理   5年制
MA (Hons)Modern Languages (German and Italian) and Ancient History现代语言(德语与意大利语)与古历史
MA (Hons)Modern Languages (German and Italian) and Ancient History (With a year abroad)现代语言(德语与意大利语)与古历史   5年制
MA (Hons)Modern Languages (German and Italian) and English现代语言(德语与意大利语)与英语
MA (Hons)Modern Languages (German and Italian) and English (With a year abroad)现代语言(德语与意大利语)与英语   5年制
MA (Hons)Modern Languages (German and Italian) and Greek现代语言(德语与意大利语)与希腊语
MA (Hons)Modern Languages (German and Italian) and Greek (With a year abroad)现代语言(德语与意大利语)与希腊语   5年制
MA (Hons)Modern Languages (German and Italian) and International Relations现代语言(德语与意大利语)与国际关系
MA (Hons)Modern Languages (German and Italian) and International Relations (With a year abroad)现代语言(德语与意大利语)与国际关系   5年制
MA (Hons)Modern Languages (German and Italian) and Latin现代语言(德语与意大利语)与拉丁语
MA (Hons)Modern Languages (German and Italian) and Latin (With a year abroad)现代语言(德语与意大利语)与拉丁语   5年制
MA (Hons)Modern Languages (German and Italian) and Management现代语言(德语与意大利语)与管理
MA (Hons)Modern Languages (German and Italian) and Management (With a year abroad)现代语言(德语与意大利语)与管理   5年制
MA (Hons)Modern Languages (German and Persian) and Management (With a year abroad)现代语言(德语与波斯语)与管理   5年制
MA (Hons)Modern Languages (German and Russian) and Ancient History现代语言(德语与俄语)与古历史
MA (Hons)Modern Languages (German and Russian) and Ancient History (With a year abroad)现代语言(德语与俄语)与古历史   5年制
MA (Hons)Modern Languages (German and Russian) and English现代语言(德语与俄语)与英语
MA (Hons)Modern Languages (German and Russian) and English (With a year abroad)现代语言(德语与俄语)与英语   5年制
MA (Hons)Modern Languages (German and Russian) and International Relations现代语言(德语与俄语)与国际关系
MA (Hons)Modern Languages (German and Russian) and International Relations (With a year abroad)现代语言(德语与俄语)与国际关系   5年制
MA (Hons)Modern Languages (German and Russian) and Latin现代语言(德语与俄语)与拉丁语
MA (Hons)Modern Languages (German and Russian) and Latin (With a year abroad)现代语言(德语与俄语)与拉丁语   5年制
MA (Hons)Modern Languages (German and Russian) and Management现代语言(德语与俄语)与管理
MA (Hons)Modern Languages (German and Russian) and Management (With a year abroad)现代语言(德语与俄语)与管理   5年制
MA (Hons)Modern Languages (German and Spanish) and International Relations (With a year abroad)现代语言(德语与西班牙语)与国际关系   5年制
MA (Hons)Modern Languages (German and Spanish) and Ancient History现代语言(德语与西班牙语)与古历史
MA (Hons)Modern Languages (German and Spanish) and Ancient History (With a year abroad)现代语言(德语与西班牙语)与古历史   5年制
MA (Hons)Modern Languages (German and Spanish) and English现代语言(德语与西班牙语)与英语
MA (Hons)Modern Languages (German and Spanish) and English (With a year abroad)现代语言(德语与西班牙语)与英语   5年制
MA (Hons)Modern Languages (German and Spanish) and Greek现代语言(德语与西班牙语)与希腊语
MA (Hons)Modern Languages (German and Spanish) and Greek (With a year abroad)现代语言(德语与西班牙语)与希腊语   5年制
MA (Hons)Modern Languages (German and Spanish) and International Relations现代语言(德语与西班牙语)与国际关系
MA (Hons)Modern Languages (German and Spanish) and Latin现代语言(德语与西班牙语)与拉丁语
MA (Hons)Modern Languages (German and Spanish) and Latin (With a year abroad)现代语言(德语与西班牙语)与拉丁语   5年制
MA (Hons)Modern Languages (German and Spanish) and Management现代语言(德语与西班牙语)与管理
MA (Hons)Modern Languages (German and Spanish) and Management (With a year abroad)现代语言(德语与西班牙语)与管理   5年制
MA (Hons)Modern Languages (Italian and Persian) and Classical Studies现代语言(意大利语与波斯语)与古典研究
MA (Hons)Modern Languages (Italian and Persian) and English现代语言(意大利语与波斯语)与英语
MA (Hons)Modern Languages (Italian and Persian) and English (With a year abroad)现代语言(意大利语与波斯语)与英语   5年制
MA (Hons)Modern Languages (Italian and Persian) and Greek现代语言(意大利语与波斯语)与希腊语
MA (Hons)Modern Languages (Italian and Persian) and International Relations现代语言(意大利语与波斯语)与国际关系
MA (Hons)Modern Languages (Italian and Persian) and International Relations (With a year abroad)现代语言(意大利语与波斯语)与国际关系   5年制
MA (Hons)Modern Languages (Italian and Persian) and Latin现代语言(意大利语与波斯语)与拉丁语
MA (Hons)Modern Languages (Italian and Persian) and Management (With a year abroad)现代语言(意大利语与波斯语)与管理   5年制
MA (Hons)Modern Languages (Italian and Russian) and Ancient History现代语言(意大利语与俄语)与古历史
MA (Hons)Modern Languages (Italian and Russian) and Ancient History (With a year abroad)现代语言(意大利语与俄语)与古历史   5年制
MA (Hons)Modern Languages (Italian and Russian) and Classical Studies现代语言(意大利语与俄语)与古典研究
MA (Hons)Modern Languages (Italian and Russian) and Classical Studies (With a year abroad)现代语言(意大利语与俄语)与古典研究   5年制
MA (Hons)Modern Languages (Italian and Russian) and English现代语言(意大利语与俄语)与英语
MA (Hons)Modern Languages (Italian and Russian) and English (With a year abroad)现代语言(意大利语与俄语)与英语   5年制
MA (Hons)Modern Languages (Italian and Russian) and International Relations现代语言(意大利语与俄语)与国际关系
MA (Hons)Modern Languages (Italian and Russian) and International Relations (With a year abroad)现代语言(意大利语与俄语)与国际关系   5年制
MA (Hons)Modern Languages (Italian and Russian) and Latin现代语言(意大利语与俄语)与拉丁语
MA (Hons)Modern Languages (Italian and Russian) and Latin (With a year abroad)现代语言(意大利语与俄语)与拉丁语   5年制
MA (Hons)Modern Languages (Italian and Russian) and Management现代语言(意大利语与俄语)与管理
MA (Hons)Modern Languages (Italian and Russian) and Management (With a year abroad)现代语言(意大利语与俄语)与管理   5年制
MA (Hons)Modern Languages (Italian and Spanish) and Ancient History现代语言(意大利语与西班牙语)与古历史
MA (Hons)Modern Languages (Italian and Spanish) and Ancient History (With a year abroad)现代语言(意大利语与西班牙语)与古历史   5年制
MA (Hons)Modern Languages (Italian and Spanish) and Classical Studies现代语言(意大利语与西班牙语)与古典研究
MA (Hons)Modern Languages (Italian and Spanish) and English现代语言(意大利语与西班牙语)与英语
MA (Hons)Modern Languages (Italian and Spanish) and English (With a year abroad)现代语言(意大利语与西班牙语)与英语   5年制
MA (Hons)Modern Languages (Italian and Spanish) and Greek现代语言(意大利语与西班牙语)与希腊语
MA (Hons)Modern Languages (Italian and Spanish) and Greek (With a year abroad)现代语言(意大利语与西班牙语)与希腊语   5年制
MA (Hons)Modern Languages (Italian and Spanish) and International Relations现代语言(意大利语与西班牙语)与国际关系
MA (Hons)Modern Languages (Italian and Spanish) and International Relations (With a year abroad)现代语言(意大利语与西班牙语)与国际关系   5年制
MA (Hons)Modern Languages (Italian and Spanish) and Latin现代语言(意大利语与西班牙语)与拉丁语
MA (Hons)Modern Languages (Italian and Spanish) and Latin (With a year abroad)现代语言(意大利语与西班牙语)与拉丁语   5年制
MA (Hons)Modern Languages (Italian and Spanish) and Management现代语言(意大利语与西班牙语)与管理
MA (Hons)Modern Languages (Italian and Spanish) and Management (With a year abroad)现代语言(意大利语与西班牙语)与管理   5年制
MA (Hons)Modern Languages (Russian and Spanish) and Ancient History现代语言(俄语与西班牙语)与古历史
MA (Hons)Modern Languages (Russian and Spanish) and Ancient History (With a year abroad)现代语言(俄语与西班牙语)与古历史   5年制
MA (Hons)Modern Languages (Russian and Spanish) and Classical Studies现代语言(俄语与西班牙语)与古典研究
MA (Hons)Modern Languages (Russian and Spanish) and Classical Studies (With a year abroad)现代语言(俄语与西班牙语)与古典研究   5年制
MA (Hons)Modern Languages (Russian and Spanish) and English现代语言(俄语与西班牙语)与英语
MA (Hons)Modern Languages (Russian and Spanish) and English (With a year abroad)现代语言(俄语与西班牙语)与英语   5年制
MA (Hons)Modern Languages (Russian and Spanish) and International Relations现代语言(俄语与西班牙语)与国际关系
MA (Hons)Modern Languages (Russian and Spanish) and International Relations (With a year abroad)现代语言(俄语与西班牙语)与国际关系   5年制
MA (Hons)Modern Languages (Russian and Spanish) and Latin现代语言(俄语与西班牙语)与拉丁语
MA (Hons)Modern Languages (Russian and Spanish) and Latin (With a year abroad)现代语言(俄语与西班牙语)与拉丁语   5年制
MA (Hons)Modern Languages (Russian and Spanish) and Management现代语言(俄语与西班牙语)与管理
MA (Hons)Modern Languages (Russian and Spanish) and Management (With a year abroad)现代语言(俄语与西班牙语)与管理   5年制
MA (Hons)Persian and Russian and Spanish (With a year abroad)波斯语、俄语与西班牙语   5年制

Department of Philos Anthro & Film Studies 哲学、人类学与电影研究系
Single honours单科荣誉学位
MA (Hons)Philosophy哲学
MA (Hons)Social Anthropology社会人类学
Joint honours联合荣誉学位
MA (Hons)Ancient History and Film Studies古历史与电影研究
MA (Hons)Ancient History and Philosophy古历史与哲学
MA (Hons)Ancient History and Social Anthropology古历史与社会人类学
MA (Hons)Arabic and Film Studies阿拉伯语与电影研究
MA (Hons)Arabic and Philosophy阿拉伯语与哲学
MA (Hons)Arabic and Social Anthropology阿拉伯语与社会人类学
MA (Hons)Art History and Film Studies艺术历史与电影研究
MA (Hons)Art History and Philosophy艺术历史与哲学
MA (Hons)Art History and Social Anthropology艺术历史与社会人类学
MA (Hons)Biblical Studies and Film Studies圣经研究与电影研究
MA (Hons)Biblical Studies and Philosophy圣经研究与哲学
BSc (Hons)Biology and Logic & Philosophy of Science生物学与科学逻辑哲学
MA (Hons)Classical Studies and Film Studies古典研究与电影研究
MA (Hons)Classical Studies and Philosophy古典研究与哲学
MA (Hons)Classical Studies and Social Anthropology古典研究与社会人类学
MA (Hons)Classics and Philosophy古典学与哲学
MA (Hons)Classics and Social Anthropology古典学与社会人类学
MA (Hons)Comparative Literature and Film Studies比较文学与电影研究
MA (Hons)Comparative Literature and Philosophy比较文学与哲学
MA (Hons)Comparative Literature and Social Anthropology比较文学与社会人类学
BSc (Hons)Computer Science and Logic & Philosophy of Science计算机科学与科学逻辑哲学
MA (Hons)Economics and Film Studies经济学与电影研究
MA (Hons)Economics and Philosophy经济学与哲学
MA (Hons)Economics and Social Anthropology经济学与社会人类学
MA (Hons)English and Film Studies英语与电影研究
MA (Hons)English and Philosophy英语与哲学
MA (Hons)English and Social Anthropology英语与社会人类学
MA (Hons)Film Studies and French电影研究与法语
MA (Hons)Film Studies and French (With a year abroad)电影研究与法语   5年制
MA (Hons)Film Studies and Geography电影研究与地理
MA (Hons)Film Studies and German电影研究与德语
MA (Hons)Film Studies and German (With a year abroad)电影研究与德语   5年制
MA (Hons)Film Studies and International Relations电影研究与国际关系
MA (Hons)Film Studies and Italian电影研究与意大利语
MA (Hons)Film Studies and Italian (With a year abroad)电影研究与意大利语   5年制
MA (Hons)Film Studies and Modern History电影研究与现代史
MA (Hons)Film Studies and Philosophy电影研究与哲学
MA (Hons)Film Studies and Psychology电影研究与心理学
MA (Hons)Film Studies and Russian电影研究与俄语
MA (Hons)Film Studies and Russian (With a year abroad)电影研究与俄语   5年制
MA (Hons)Film Studies and Scottish History电影研究与苏格兰历史
MA (Hons)Film Studies and Social Anthropology电影研究与社会人类学
MA (Hons)Film Studies and Spanish电影研究与西班牙语
MA (Hons)Film Studies and Spanish (With a year abroad)电影研究与西班牙语   5年制
MA (Hons)Film Studies and Theological Studies电影研究与神学研究
MA (Hons)French and Philosophy法语与哲学   5年制
MA (Hons)French and Philosophy (With a year abroad)法语与哲学   5年制
MA (Hons)French and Social Anthropology法语与社会人类学
MA (Hons)French and Social Anthropology (With a year abroad)法语与社会人类学   5年制
MA (Hons)Geography and Philosophy地理与哲学
MA (Hons)Geography and Social Anthropology地理与社会人类学
MA (Hons)German and Philosophy德语与哲学
MA (Hons)German and Philosophy (With a year abroad)德语与哲学   5年制
MA (Hons)German and Social Anthropology德语与社会人类学
MA (Hons)German and Social Anthropology (With a year abroad)德语与社会人类学   5年制
MA (Hons)Greek and Philosophy希腊语与哲学
MA (Hons)Greek and Social Anthropology希腊语与社会人类学
MA (Hons)International Relations and Philosophy国际关系与哲学
MA (Hons)International Relations and Social Anthropology国际关系与社会人类学
MA (Hons)Italian and Philosophy意大利语与哲学
MA (Hons)Italian and Social Anthropology意大利语与社会人类学
MA (Hons)Italian and Social Anthropology (With a year abroad)意大利语与社会人类学   5年制
MA (Hons)Latin and Philosophy拉丁语与哲学
MA (Hons)Latin and Social Anthropology拉丁语与社会人类学
BSc (Hons)Logic & Philosophy of Science and Mathematics科学逻辑哲学与数学
BSc (Hons)Logic & Philosophy of Science and Physics科学逻辑哲学与物理学
BSc (Hons)Logic & Philosophy of Science and Statistics科学逻辑哲学与统计学
MA (Hons)Management and Philosophy管理与哲学
MA (Hons)Mathematics and Philosophy数学与哲学
MA (Hons)Mediaeval History and Philosophy中世纪历史与哲学
MA (Hons)Mediaeval History and Social Anthropology中世纪历史与社会人类学
MA (Hons)Middle East Studies and Social Anthropology中东研究与社会人类学
MA (Hons)Modern History and Philosophy现代史与哲学
MA (Hons)Modern History and Social Anthropology现代史与社会人类学
MA (Hons)Philosophy and Psychology哲学与心理学
MA (Hons)Philosophy and Russian哲学与俄语
MA (Hons)Philosophy and Russian (With a year abroad)哲学与俄语   5年制
MA (Hons)Philosophy and Scottish History哲学与苏格兰历史
MA (Hons)Philosophy and Social Anthropology哲学与社会人类学
MA (Hons)Philosophy and Spanish哲学与西班牙语
MA (Hons)Philosophy and Spanish (With a year abroad)哲学与西班牙语   5年制
MA (Hons)Philosophy and Statistics哲学与统计学
MA (Hons)Philosophy and Theological Studies哲学与神学研究
MA (Hons)Psychology and Social Anthropology心理学与社会人类学
MA (Hons)Russian and Social Anthropology俄语与社会人类学
MA (Hons)Russian and Social Anthropology (With a year abroad)俄语与社会人类学   5年制
MA (Hons)Scottish History and Social Anthropology苏格兰历史与社会人类学
MA (Hons)Social Anthropology and Spanish社会人类学与西班牙语
MA (Hons)Social Anthropology and Spanish (With a year abroad)社会人类学与西班牙语   5年制
MA (Hons)Social Anthropology and Theological Studies社会人类学与神学研究
Major/minor degrees主修副修学位
MA (Hons)Economics with Social Anthropology经济学与社会人类学
MA (Hons)Geography with Social Anthropology地理与社会人类学
MA (Hons)Social Anthropology with Geography社会人类学与地理

Department of Physics and Astronomy物理学与天文学系
Single honours单科荣誉学位
BSc (Hons)Astrophysics天文物理学
MPhys (Hons)Astrophysics天文物理学   5年制   本硕连读
MPhys (Hons)International Physics and Astronomy (Gateway)国际物理学与天文学   5年制 本硕连读
BSc (Hons)Physics物理学
MPhys (Hons)Physics物理学   5年制 本硕连读
MPhys (Hons)Theoretical Physics理论物理学   5年制 本硕连读
Joint honours联合荣誉学位
MSci (Hons)Chemistry and Physics化学与物理学   5年制 本硕连读
BSc (Hons)Computer Science and Physics计算机科学与物理学
BSc (Hons)Logic & Philosophy of Science and Physics科学逻辑哲学与物理学
BSc (Hons)Mathematics and Physics数学与物理学
MPhys (Hons)Mathematics and Theoretical Physics数学与理论物理学   5年制 本硕连读

Department of Psychology and Neuroscience 心理学与神经科学系
Single honours单科荣誉学位
BSc (Hons)Neuroscience神经科学
BSc (Hons)Psychology心理学
MA (Hons)Psychology心理学
Joint honours联合荣誉学位
MA (Hons)Art History and Psychology艺术历史与哲学
BSc (Hons)Biology and Psychology生物学与心理学
BSc (Hons)Biology and Psychology生物学与心理学
BSc (Hons)Computer Science and Psychology计算机科学与心理学
BSc (Hons)Economics and Psychology经济学与哲学
MA (Hons)Economics and Psychology经济学与哲学
MA (Hons)English and Psychology英语与心理学
MA (Hons)English and Psychology英语与心理学
MA (Hons)Film Studies and Psychology电影研究与心理学
MA (Hons)French and Psychology法语与心理学
MA (Hons)French and Psychology (With a year abroad)法语与心理学 5年制
MA (Hons)Geography and Psychology地理与心理学
MA (Hons)German and Psychology德语与心理学
MA (Hons)German and Psychology (With a year abroad)德语与心理学 5年制
MA (Hons)International Relations and Psychology国际关系与心理学
MA (Hons)Italian and Psychology意大利语与心理学
MA (Hons)Management and Psychology管理与心理学
BSc (Hons)Mathematics and Psychology数学与心理学
MA (Hons)Mathematics and Psychology数学与心理学
MA (Hons)Mediaeval History and Psychology中世纪历史与心理学
MA (Hons)Modern History and Psychology现代史与心理学
MA (Hons)Philosophy and Psychology哲学与心理学
MA (Hons)Psychology and Social Anthropology心理学与社会人类学
MA (Hons)Psychology and Theological Studies心理学与神学研究
Major/minor degrees主修副修学位
BSc (Hons)Psychology with Biology心理学与生物学
MA (Hons)Psychology with Geography心理学与地理

1) International Undergraduate Scholarship 提供4个学年减免1000-4000英镑学费的奖学金,申请截止期限为10月份-次年3月21日
2) The Kinnessburn Scholarship 为医学本科预科项目和医学本科项目提供,1个减免2000英镑学费的奖学金名额,申请截止期限为2月3日-6月13日
3) Students' Association Bursary Fund 2个500英镑的生活费补助名额,提供4个学年,申请截止期限为10月份-次年4月8日
4) Santander Undergraduate Scholarship 2个2000英镑的生活费或学费补助名额,提供1个学年,申请截止期限为10月份-次年4月8日
5) BA International Honours Scholarship: Scholarship for Excellence 为国际荣誉学士项目提供2个6000英镑的学费补助奖学金名额,共4个学年
6) Entrant Accommodation Bursary 提供大约200个1000英镑的住宿费补助名额,1个学年,申请截止至4月8日
7) Music Scholarships 1个合唱奖学金名额,1个乐器奖学金名额,学费全免,提供1个学年
8) The Wimdu Scholarship programme 2个1000英镑的奖学金名额,为商务和市场营销相关领域提供,在每年的9月和2月份,申请截止至1月24日

